Are you a Prisoner of Emotion ? Well Fear is Illusion

No doubt that emotions indeed are a magical occurrence , ( not yet fully understood ) its infinite potential of enjoying life through the experience of emotion is amazing. You are literally creating your reality. When you are aware something can effect you, it now has the potential to effect you. Geewizz use your own fuckin life to prove my statement is a as a LOVE based positive possible future. Only created by how humans as one brain reacts to situations presented to the world. In essence conflict really has no benefit or positive function. Besides the illusion of a satisfied ego and societies approval all we gain is stress and negation of personal benefit. Welcome to the reality of the collective consciousness. The collective consciousness is the the thought/agreement of all conscious beings on the planet that determines the future. For example the mass belief in the religion Christianity enhances the prophecies of the book of the Bible Revelations as reality, that is if the collective consciousness believes it is reality. Further proof that WE ARE ALL ONE we all have lungs with that being all separate belief in religion is reduced to simply just beliefs. Back to Emotions all emotions can be concluded two words in a principle I call, Only Love Exist And The Illusion of Fear. Yes, that means Hitler is apart of you, and for Hitler to have detained a mass number of people he had to have a collective consciousness agreement achieved by illusory tactics ( discrimination, separation, racism, etc ), He managed to convince Germans to allow him to treat Jews inhumanly based on difference in appearance ( hair-color, eye-color, ethnicity ). Love could have avoided that crisis, yet and still that was not Hitlers spiritual essence. Control of emotions are control of thoughts, control of thoughts are dangerous for those who manipulate the collective conscious for sinister agendas. There are small ways to increase the quality of life and break free from the prison of emotions and journey to the joy of emotions. When somebody treats you with a bad emotion, understand and recognize the non beneficial emotion, and that, that was a result of ego manifestation rather than spiritual essence. React with wisdom and control no one has the ability to cause negative emotion in your it is YOUR CHOICE. And this has been a brief information from @horizonofficial your brother from the family of humanity.

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