
Showing posts with the label words

Last Words You'd Say to an Ex #30DayBlogChallenge

Things I would say to an ex? Hmm this is an interesting topic for me. Why? Well because I've only had 2 exes in my life so far and I've talked to them both after the breakup. My first ex I speak with more frequently, and I am straight forward with him. There's no holding back or biting my tongue when I am addressing him, because there's no reason to. Our current relationship is weird because we're far from friends, definitely do not see each other, and we sporadically stop talking for months. However we enjoy conversations with each other, he's like a fungus that I cut but grows back every season. So I guess I would tell him "what are you doing here, leave me alone and go away." Although I've said these exact words to him several times.  Now my second ex is a little more complicated, because our breakup was strange and a little more personal than the first, so it's not as easy for us to just converse. He calls me randomly like ever...