
Showing posts with the label 20 years

After 20 years Robin Thicke and Paula Patton Breaks Up

Robin Thick and Paula Patton Break UP!! Robin Thicke and Paula Patton first met in 1993 while the couple was in high school. They officially wed in 2005 and decides to separate eventually will be filling for divorce. This saddens me because they were the one couple who I thought would make it for a lifetime :(. Paula or Robin have yet to state the reason for the split but says that they will always love one another. Ironically after Robin's "blurred lines" video which features topless models and Robins controversial VMA's performance with Miley Cyrus. Could this be the cause of their break up? Probably because I know that if I were with someone so long and they did this I would be mad, but I dont think this is something to split over. I'm sure they're more private details to why the couple split, but hopefully they think concisely about the decision because the media will eat this up. Here is the controversial VMAs performance and  the hit single...