March For What? (The Modern Day Boycott)

Are Marches Effective?

These past years have been quite disturbing with all of the police crimes that have gone unpunished. Normally I would have named all of the victims, but there are entirely too many incidences, where the police have gunned down unarmed people. How do we receive justice in an unjust society? Well dating back to the civil rights era, black people are known to March, boycott, and protest, using both violent and non-violent methods in order to create change. So naturally we resort to those similar methods in order to bring upon "change," but are they truly effective?

The answer to that question is, NO! Why you may ask? First, the time period has changed; society problems are not as simple as they once were. In terms of easily being divided by a simple sign oppose today's mental (mind) division. Unarmed people are being gunned down in the streets like dogs by law enforcement, so how is a march going to change the situation from reoccurring. We fail to realize that the marches held in the past actually related to the problem, for example; the historic bus boycott. The reason why the bus boycott was so effective was not because a group of people stood in the street, but because the effect on the revenue for the state. The boycotts in the past affected the flow of money in certain divisions. Consistency is another reason the marches were successful back then. The bus boycott lasted for 381 days which equals a year and a month of refusing to use services that a mass amount of people participated in. How effective can a march be if it doesn't last, and once you go home you continue the exact routine that put us in this predicament?

"If we want to change the world, we have to change ourselves," yes it may be cliché for me to quote Diddy, but it's honest. Someone is murdered we cry, we sing, and march for a week, and then go home to continue our lives until another incident occurs. I'll ask you again, how do we receive justice in an unjust society? Well for starters in order to win a game you first must learn how to play the game. Throw out the recycled ways of trying change society with marches and let’s actually put our heads together to change the world. This is about crime, so why not peacefully retaliate? 

I wonder what would happen if EVERYONE who's against this unjust stopped paying tickets for 381 days.


  1. I like the idea but i don't think that would work. Everyone would be in jail


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