Jay Z VS Solange The Boxer (Fight) Beyonce & Jay-Z Responds (Update)

Solange The Boxer

While on an elevator Solange attacks Jay-Z, hitting him multiple times, while Jay- Z does not retaliates. Drama in the Cater family? Both Jay-Z and Solange have yet to speak on the event, but fans seem to have a lotto say. Within minutes the footage went viral, including youtube videos, and trending topics on both Facebook and Twitter. 

Alongside of deleting all of her Instagram photos with HOV & Bey, Solange Tweets that Jay-Z has been abusive which is why she hit him check out her tweet! Of course shortly after she tweeted this, Solange quickly cleaned up her twitter and deleted the tweet, but good thing we have screen shot. lol
Solange Tweet

Beyonce & Jay-Z's Response to the incident 

"As a result of the public release of the elevator security footage from Monday, May 5th, there has been a great deal of speculation about what triggered the unfortunate incident. But the most important thing is that our family has worked through it.
Jay and Solange each assume their share of responsibility for what has occurred. They both acknowledge their role in this private matter that has played out in the public. They both have apologized to each other and we have moved forward as a united family.
The reports of Solange being intoxicated or displaying erratic behavior throughout that evening are simply false. At the end of the day families have problems and we're no different. We love each other and above all we are family. We've put this behind us and hope everyone else will do the same."


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