5 Reasons why the Donald Trump protest are ridiculous

After carefully analyzing several perspectives in attempts to develop a sound reason for the protest against Donald Trump as the new president, I found none. Actually thinking this hard brought me to the conclusion that these protesters are bored and want attention or to "feel" like they've made a difference. When in actuality they're exciting an inconclusive decision that should've been stopped before these results. Ultimately the people are responsible for not putting Donald Trump in his place during the time frame when he objected to Barack Obama's presidency. So why press the issue now?

1. There are bigger issues in the world
In 2014 it was uncovered that Flint Michigan was victim to receiving contaminated water, titled the Flint water crisis. For about 30 days this tragedy was all over the media at the top of the coverage. President Obama even issued the Flint water crisis as a state of emergency and governor Snyder received no penalties. Since that time frame Flint has gotten no media exposure an ultimately citizens stop caring or think the crisis was resolved. Well on Jan 18, 2017 Time magazine and Detroit Free Press released articles explaining and stating that the Flint water crisis is still an ongoing unresolved issue. So why aren't we marching for citizens to have clean water?

2. The protest excites Donald Trump
No I have no facts to support this statement, but if you've observed Donald Trump anyone can see that he likes attention. Donald Trump tweets, say, and does a number of things just to stay relevant and be the center of the media. Protesting against him doesn't make him want to step down, it only adds fuel to the fire.

3. The president is just a face
When you're a kid you view the president as the highest authority figure, but as you become an adult you begin to understand it's all politics. The President is a job and the country is the company. The CEO of a company doesn't control the entire company, their are board members, investors, and so on that you have to go through to change the company. It's the same with the Presidency, no Donald Trump may not be the best face to represent the country, but realize that he's just a face.

4. Nothing ever truly changes 
I've been alive for 23 years and a month now and I can literally say that from my perspective the only change I can see in our country is more people going to college and gas prices. I'm sure there are changes that I was just unaware of because of my youth but majority of the time no matter who's in office your position as a whole stay the same. If you were broke before Donald Trump was elected more than likely you'll be broke after. Him being in office does change the fact that taxes will have to get paid, a tax increase only truly affects you if your tax bracket changes. He's not taking away government assistance like welfare and the healthcare plan has only been around for six years not a lifetime. Only you can change your financial situation, not Donald Trump.

5. He's already elected and sworn in
Lastly these protest are the biggest waste of your time, because he's already the president. There's not going to be a recount, and he only way that Donald Trump will not be president is if he personally decides to step down. Trump isn't going to step down because of protestors. So think about it, what is the end result of you getting up in the cold morning to protest against a competitive man who already won the competition? It's pointless!


  1. It's so much bigger than Trump! It's a spiritual warfare and a tactic by the enemy to through the country in chaos and division. We are dealing with a wise devil, best believe there's a more evil diabolical plan behind all of this and it's spoken in the book of revelation. I just wish people could see what's really going on behind the scenes and that no man in the President's office can truly change what's going on in the world. Only Christ can, but America is just like Sodom and Gomorrah. Just like those cites it was too far gon to spare. So God was only concerned with getting the righteous out before he destroyed it. The same today. God is only concerned about salvation and those in the body of Jesus Christ. Once he takes the church out then it's going to get really worse. And then he will return with ALL POWER! My point is it's so much bigger than who's doing what and what's doing who. Who is president and so forth!


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