Black Americans are fighting for reparations for all descendants of slavery

The 2019 Democratic debate speaks on injustice in Black America, which continues the ongoing concern on providing reparations for Black Americans.

Disclaimer: This is the perception of black America from a black woman, who have lived in 3 major U.S. cities and several rural areas throughout America. This Article contains facts, quotes, data, and opinions of the ongoing racism and discrimination that we as a people encounter. Enjoy!

Have you ever witnessed or experienced unfairness of any kind? For example; a co-worker receiving an undeserved promotion, watching a spoiled child, not getting a grade you deserve, getting laid off or even paying high taxes? How did you feel? Watching something slip so easily through your fingers without having the ability to prevent the disaster. Many people can relate to the everyday struggles of life such as: low income, gender, physicality, but create an illusion to the inequality in race. When you are a minority not only do you feel separate, but you witness different treatment. It is like walking into a job interview as the only woman or being fully qualified but lack the connections or network as your competitors. No matter which way you experience being a minority, no one enjoys the feeling or the treatment. Imagine having that uncomfortable feeling every single day of your life, and instead of receiving support you’re instilled with fear, that maybe this is the day your life will be taken. Black America do not feel or see comfort in law enforcement or our justice system, because of our history.

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Take a moment and imagine, being a child, oblivious to the hardships of life, just living the average life; learning and loving your family, breathing your culture and suddenly everything and everyone you know, and love are in chains. While aboard ships such as La Amistad in conditions unimaginable to the 21st century eye, my ancestors were tortured prior to their 400-year life in America. Which I am sure that there is not a race in the world who would want to trade places as a black person. While we appreciate black culture in entertainment, education, and see the physical advantages of our genetics, systematically and economically, the damage inflicted are traces from slavery. Unavailable to our lineage prior to this tragedy in America. Which makes me question…

Is Slavery considered a tragedy?

As we walk through America’s history there are many tragedies that are accounted for such as; the Holocaust, Native American genocide, Apartheid of South Africa, Japanese internment and more. These devastating events were considered so treacherous, that the government compensated to the descendants as victims of these acts. Reparations is the making of amends for a wrong one has done, by paying money to or otherwise helping those who have been wronged. Well 99% of Black America are descendants of slaves, who we have established are currently affected by these historic events. Ask yourself would you like to get treated like a black person? If your instant reaction is anything other than “they are treated as an equal in any type of predicament,” according to the left frontal lobe of your brain you have now identified a difference, simply generated off skin color. Racism in America has always been a controversial topic of discussion, but does that take away from the fact that slavery was wrong? If we can admit that slavery is a tragedy in our American history and is something that we are ashamed of, why would we award reparations to the slave owners whom participated in these atrocities instead of the ones whom were oppressed by them.  


2020 Election Year

With the 2020 election year approaching, politicians scramble for support, as President Trump unorthodox antics continues. The Democratic party in disarray with 20 different candidates, without clear direction of what’s best for country, and the Republican party is set on Trump’s way or no way at all. As immigration headlines both parties’ concerns, and Black America is in frustration that this country is choosing to solve the problems in immigration over its citizens. News reports shows several figures in Black America such as; actor Danny Glover, Senator Corey Booker, and writer Ta-Nehisi Coates are uniting in agreement that the descendants of slaves should receive reparations. On June 20 the house hosted a panel discussion about the “inheritance of slavery” and reparations, in which the three were invited to speak on. Sen. Cory Booker said in a panel that the U.S. needs to address "persistent inequalities" experienced by African Americans by discussing reparations, the idea that the descendants of slaves should be compensated for the injustices and cruelty their ancestors experienced. Booker said that the nation has "yet to truly acknowledge and grapple with the racism and white supremacy that tainted this country's founding and continues to cause persistent and deep racial disparities and inequality. These disparities don't just harm black communities, they harm all communities."

Reports say that it is unlikely a bill would pass in support of reparations, continuing a cycle of unfairness and disparity. Malcom X once said “I believe that there will ultimately be a clash between the oppressed and those that do the oppressing. I believe that there will be a clash between those who want freedom, justice and equality for everyone and those who want to continue the systems of exploitation.” We the people understand that change takes a long process, but as Marianne Williamson stated during the 2019 democratic debate “All of these issues are extremely important, but there are specifics, there are symptoms, and the underlying cause has to do with deep, deep, deep realms of racial injustice, in both our criminal justice system and in our economic system.”

Although many people speak in support of reparations, now is the time for us to see actions. If Trump or any other politician want the overwhelming support of Black America, act on a bill supporting reparations or sign my petition supporting reparations. If there is a moment in every person’s life where you wonder; how could I truly imprint my name in history? Now is the time!


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