Popped a Molly, You Stupid...woo.

If your Molly wasn't yellowish like this, it was fake, pimp.

Somehow, despite everyone having a mind of their own (yeah right), celebrities have convinced us to pop Mollies. What's a Molly? Molly is a form of MDMA (better known as ecstasy) with an addition of methylone (better known as "bath salts") and in some instances, depending on your dealer...cocaine. The usage of Molly has become the most prominent in the African American community by way of promotion through rap songs. That's right, rappers such as 2 Chainz, Waka Flocka Flame, Trinidad James, and other idio...rappers have been influencing us (y'all) to do cocaine, ecstasy, and bath salts. Crazy right? The people we choose to follow amazes me. 

For most of my adolescent and adult life, I have been accustomed to black people throwing shade at white people for the exotic drugs they are known to take. Black people have always been bourgeois when it came to doing drugs. Just alcohol and weed. Now, because rappers have said it is cool, why not step our game up, eh? Why not upgrade from minor drugs to life-threatening ones? YOLO, right? That rapper influence is real, g. Drake had us in our feelings first, then told us to be reckless with YOLO, now they have us popping Mollies and sweating. Cool.

Ever wondered WHY you sweat after popping Mollies? Of course not, we don't question anything. Anyway, the obvious answer is that MDMA (ecstasy) is a drug that naturally raises your body temperature. However, the intense sweating comes as a result of added chemicals such as CRYSTAL METH. "White people are stupid. I'd never take meth. They can have that." Welp. Since sweating is a way of keeping your body from overheating, excessive Molly Poppin' will raise your temperature to the point where you will...well...die. At least keep a bottle of water beside you while being an idiot.

There's a lot more to this Molly drug, as far as side effects and such, that I do not feel like writing about. That's where you come in. It's up to you to do research on what's going in to your body, or your friend/family member's body...whatever the case may be. Point is: The shit is dangerous. Period.

I'm done here though. Live you life, pimp. YOLO. Might as well pop Mollies and defeat the purpose of only having one life. Leave a comment, or hit us on Twitter @LiveLIVELLC. Out.


Fashawn - "Generation F" (No relation to the post)


  1. Ecstasy cut with methamphetamine and cocaine is uncommon at best because it's a waste of money for the drug dealer (though I have heard of MDMA cut with meth once before). Also, MDMA actually does raise your body temperature on its own, without any adulterants.

    In addition, of all the research chems you could've chosen to talk about, methylone is probably one of the least harmful (though most research chems haven't been studied to well, methylone is one of the less potent ones), and by calling it "bath salts", you're sensationalizing. Bath salts are not typically one drug, but a mix of them, and their composition varies based on the manufacturer. Also, the extreme effects of bathsalts, such as the erratic, violent behavior and panic attacks are usually caused by mephedrone and MDPV.

    Honestly, if you're going to rail on a drug, you need to be more accurate - you remind me of DARE and other government sponsored programs. You'd have been best off focusing solely about the negative after effects of ecstasy, like the depressing hangover, potential neurotoxicity, and risk of death/OD, while maybe briefly mentioning all the adulterants added to ecstasy. Honestly though, that's a risk you run with every drug though - I know a dumbass girl who accidentally bought weed dusted with cocaine.

  2. You're a pretentious little faggot.

  3. I'm sorry but you have it all wrong. The problem is that many people think they are taking molly but in actuality it's ecstacy. True molly is pure MDMA, it isn't cut with anything else.


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