Real Life Robots

Humanoid Robot Comes to Life

Finally we have moved onto the next generation of technology. Dominik Brumm and Serge Weydert of the the Artificial Lab of the University of Zurich sit behind the humanoid robot ROBOY during a media presentation in Zurich February 27, 2013. A project team, composed of scholars and industry representatives, has been working on ROBOY since June 2012. My only question is if this is a good thing or not? Of course the advancement in technology is a good thing but should we rely on it? I think technology is there to assist us but instead many humans become lazier, contributing to our self destruction. However this is great progress, although these robots look awfully similar to the ones in "iRobot," which is a little scary. ROBOY is not completely done and I will update you when they've completed ROBOY, but as for now here are just some photos.   


Here are some photos from the movie iRobot

Do you see the similarities?



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