What Exactly Is Offensive About Being Called A "Female"?

As of late, I have noticed a growth in the disdain towards the word "female". Before I continue writing, I would like to make it known that I am not a misogynist, nor am I one of the pseudo-oblivious men that SOME women accuse every man of being that doesn't understand them. I am merely speaking based off of my observations as of late while trying to gain understanding of them.

Before Understanding:
I am aware of the feminism movement and what they are trying to accomplish. They desire equality among women and men. They want to abolish double-standards, eliminate the idea of patriarchy, get paid equally for the same jobs as men, and ultimately escape oppression (although it sometimes seem as if they desire superiority. Different story, though). Am I right? Cool. However, I need help understanding how the world "female" is oppressive. Don't get me wrong, if you wish to not be called it, that can be done. I just want to understand. When you fill out a job application, what are you going to mark for your gender when they ask? Are you going to scratch out the word "female" and put "queen"? "Lady"? Is the fact that you are a "FEmale" the offensive aspect? The idea that you are the branch-off of a man. If that is so, should you not be offended at being a "WOman" also? I am curious. However, when I ask, I am usually tagged with the "pseudo-oblivious misogynist douchebag" label without ever receiving clarification. Ouch. Imagine walking down the street and seeing someone. You say, "Hi". They reply, "Bitch, fuck you." That's how that felt. Anywho, after doing a bit of research, I have gained some extra insight on how the word is offensive. 

After Understanding (the less ignorant half of this post):
In the eyes of women, it is not the word that draws tension, but the context in which the word is used in. As it seems, men tend to use it in condescending way. Understandable. Men actually do tend to be condescending without even realizing it. Some even realize it. Here are some exapmles:

And the ones that know it:

Okay, okay. I understand. That could be very frustrating. Not being taken seriously based solely on the fact that you have to sit down to urinate. You have the right to be pissed. (Pun vaguely intended). The even more frustrating aspect of it would be the fact that we men often downplay it as if it never happened. I understand you now. However, if you just plain and simple hate the word "female", regardless of annotation, I still don't understand you. Sorry. You're either a male or a female. Man or woman. Girl or boy. Lady or guy/dude, etc. I will respect your wishes of not being called one, though. Continue on.

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*whistles innocently*


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