Recently with the rise in sexual propaganda I've had to experience unusual information, leaving me flustered and scratching my scalp. My little sister is 11 years old and her bestfriend is dating, DATING. Meanwhile she just learned how babies were made 2 weeks before she decided she wanted to be courted. The grand parents of our generation are affixed on the idea that our generation is more corrupt, sexual, deviant and all of the above. If you ask me they are more skilled in judgment than in leadership. Anyway, how would I take sexual advice from my grandfather he got my grandmother pregnant when she was 14 and he was 24. I look at him like and say this, ( all in my head of course lol ) Bruh you are a PEDAFILE lol, but since it wasn't a crime back then, our generation is now considered "fast". I think the one variable is technology flooding the youth with information sexual and non-sexual. Causing them to grow up extremely fast and bring adult experiences faster than ever before. New emerging social networks like Vine and Instagram help speed that process up faster than ever before.
Now that I have provided you with a little background information lets go back to the focus of the article. How Long Can You Go Without Sex ? I'm pretty sure the sexual propoganda is going to trick everybody into thinking they can't go without. Besides, in the younger male community it's cool to have sex, and have a few THOTS under your belt. When it comes to me well my mother intellectually established an understanding, without sugar coating the reality of sex. So before I lost my virginity I was scared to have sex for fear of STD's. I'm like fuck all that I'm not getting burned. So that trained me and let me know that I could go without and that we all could go without. Then I start thinking how natural it is that we feel we can't go without an activity that wasn't ever intended for recreation only "creation" aka reproduction. With all that being said enjoy all these other blogs and stay updated on what where doing YouTube.com/spittathehorizon
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