Lupe Fiasco - Pharaoh Height New Mixtape!

Lupe Fiasco - Pharaoh Height
Political rapper Lupe Fiasco released early this morning a new mixtape titled Pharaoh Height. Of course with a name and cover art like that, conscious minds are forced to take a listen. Lupe is known for his wide range of sounds and thought provoking topics, so this comes as no surprise that this mixtape does that also. I enjoyed Pharaoh Height. The mixtape delivers in lyrical content that many would argue as true "hip hop." Normally I can't sit through an entire Lupe tape without turning it off or skipping the songs, because sometimes he can just do too much, in my opinion, but not on Pharaoh Height. Many artist mention political and mind control topics, but lack an explanation. Not Lupe, he's straight to the point and is in dept about the topics that he address on the tape, reminding audiences of the old Lupe, just with a newer flow. I like it, nice job Lupe!


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