Willow Smith Ardipithecus Review

Finally Willow Smith releases her debut album Ardipithecus! Fans like me for months and years were teasers with singles and EPs, but patiently waiting to hear more than 3 or 4 songs at a time. Now the question is, did she deliever and satisfies her audience hunger for her music? The answer is yes! She's perfectly unique in my book, but with her neo-soul style you'll either really enjoy her sound or instantly not. That's the pros and cons about being a unique artist. The 15 track album has only one feature from an artist named Jabs, nice job. Although I really wanted to hear another song with the singer SZA like on her 3 Ep. However Ardipithecus gives us a nice neo-soul pop alternative sound that is well balanced by Willow's voice. I enjoyed the whole album honestly; my favorite songs are Waves of Nature, IDK, and RandomSong. This is exciting for me because not only is willow touching on topics that I discuss in my own writing, but she's only 15. So young with so much left to grow, I'm excited to witness her grow as an artist and to see how far she goes. We'll have a song together sometime in the future I'm sure of it, Nice Job Willow I give the album an 8 of 10!


  1. Indigos!!!! ���� we are here to stay

  2. I think she's too young to truly be informed about these topics. Definitely not enough experience, no matter how rich you are. Age makes a difference on how mentally developed you are and the way you handle situations


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