Do What Thou Wilt is Hip Hop album of the year

Let's call the release of Ab soul's latest album Do What Thou Wilt "the return of Ab Soul." Here's a run down of why hip hop heads have said that Ab Soul disappeared, when he was once compared to Kendrick Lamar. Ok, in 2011 Kendrick released the classic album Section 80 which ultimately created the hype for his 2012 classic mainstream album Good Kid Maad City. Before Kendrick released GKMC, Ab Soul dropped the classic album Control System which everyone who knew of Section 80 loved and compared the two. During this time frame TDE was developing fans of the masses because of the lyrical content yet fun party vibe in their music. In the beginning of 2012 Schoolboy Q released Habits & Contradictions which also helped develop TDE's core audience. Ab Soul's release gained him the attention from both Kendrick and Schoolboy fans.

Now how did Ab soul get lost in the sauce? Well after Kendrick's GKMC exploded he dominated the entire 2013 year, bringing in a completely new audience. The following year Schoolboy Q's Oxymoron was a huge success and all eyes turned to Ab Soul to explode with an amazing follow up to Control System. Well Soul released These Days which didn't meet the expectations and all of the "better than" Kendrick statements ended.

So what does that have to do Ab Soul's new album? Well...Let's just say he's back! If this had been Soul's sophomore album ain't no telling where his success would've taken him. Every song is complete flowing from one to the next. This is the TDE that fans love, great beats, insightful yet playful content, with a party vibe. Ab Soul proves that you can have a party sound while remaining lyrical. Discussions like numerology, religion, health, constellations and of course politics are what have created this conscious wave in our society. People are testing their limits, opening up to different ideas, drugs, and lifestyles. He uses himself as an example of what many people want but fear, hearing both the fun good side of going beyond the normal limits and of course the bad side. Do what thou wilt expresses this to the fullest. Songs like Lonely Soul is music for the soul, this is hip hop in its purest form. Beats, Party, Sex, Drugs, Rhymes, Flows, Lyrics, Authenticity, Rebellion, Knowledge, History, Soul is hip hop. Do What Thou Wilt is the hip hop album of the year, not because it's catchy with good beats and not because he's calling out the industry. This is the best hip hop album of this year because it displays every art of hip hop, containing all of the right ingredients and elements of what hip hop use to be.


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