Kendrick Lamar stays Humble while fighting for hip hop
Kendrick Lamar announces that his new album is on the way, drops 2 surprise singles, and a video to support one. Boy what a busy week Kendrick has had. Lamar's sudden reappearance after not making much noise in 2016 after his controversial Grammy performance is revitalizing, because I began to think that his buzz depleted. Well I was wrong because the internet is going crazy over the new video "Humble," and I can't blame them.

The video itself is very artistic and creatively arranged. Showing all of the elements that we're use to hearing from Kendrick, while continuing to focus on the message of the song. As for the actual song, well it's definitely a "Kendrick turn up," meaning that Lamar has always had an unique style of creating a club banger that has a clear message inside of it, and humble is no different. He uses the term humble loosely as a banter against critics. In efforts of weighing in on hip hops current states and those artist who are given more glory than deserved. He does a good job at mixing the two, but most of the time the songs are a hit or miss based on the person listening. As for me I'd rather listen to the song while watching the video oppose just hearing it on the radio.
The video itself is very artistic and creatively arranged. Showing all of the elements that we're use to hearing from Kendrick, while continuing to focus on the message of the song. As for the actual song, well it's definitely a "Kendrick turn up," meaning that Lamar has always had an unique style of creating a club banger that has a clear message inside of it, and humble is no different. He uses the term humble loosely as a banter against critics. In efforts of weighing in on hip hops current states and those artist who are given more glory than deserved. He does a good job at mixing the two, but most of the time the songs are a hit or miss based on the person listening. As for me I'd rather listen to the song while watching the video oppose just hearing it on the radio.
The Heart part 4
I would much rather listen to the first song Lamar dropped this month, "The Heart part 4." If you're familiar with Kendrick's "The Heart" series than excitement instantly flooded your system when you seen the title of the song. Before he crossed over and created mainstream Kendrick, like back in 2010 during the making of Overly Dedicated Ep, Lamar began "The Heart." Since then he's always displayed the combination of a plethora of lyrical elements inside of these songs, particularly titled "The Heart." Even after listening to "The Heart part 4," my favorite one is still part 2, but it's nice to hear that Kendrick hasn't completely lost himself in popularity. Every artist has a "new" them once they go mainstream and Kendrick isn't an exception.
This song exemplifies more of an attack, he's angry towards someone or something and feels as if he's been depreciated; making this Heart completely unlike the others. He's going off on somebody. When you hear his pass songs you can hear the change, both good and bad. Throughout the series you can physically hear what level in his success he's at, because the 2 prior to him making it mainstream he's more humble and curious. You can hear him balancing fear and excitement towards his future in the music industry. Parts 3 & 4 is are after the mainstream and Kendrick's demeanor is more arrogant. No matter what kind of opinion you have of Kendrick what's important is even as a mainstream artist he's still creating some form of musical controversy. He's not going down without a fight, well done Kendrick.
Take a listen to The Heart parts 1-4!
This song exemplifies more of an attack, he's angry towards someone or something and feels as if he's been depreciated; making this Heart completely unlike the others. He's going off on somebody. When you hear his pass songs you can hear the change, both good and bad. Throughout the series you can physically hear what level in his success he's at, because the 2 prior to him making it mainstream he's more humble and curious. You can hear him balancing fear and excitement towards his future in the music industry. Parts 3 & 4 is are after the mainstream and Kendrick's demeanor is more arrogant. No matter what kind of opinion you have of Kendrick what's important is even as a mainstream artist he's still creating some form of musical controversy. He's not going down without a fight, well done Kendrick.
Take a listen to The Heart parts 1-4!
Amazing album