Its Aquarius Season

Aquarius Season!!


January 21 - February 19

Symbol: The Water Bearer 

Element: Air 

Planet: Uranus

Every Aquarius I come across says the exact same thing, "My element is water" NO your element is air, understand that first. Aquarius people from all of my gather information, knowledge, and experiences are highly clever. They have the most control over their emotions and choose when to care or not care about something. The women come off as emotional but deep down inside they're not as emotional as they display, most of that so called "emotions" are just dramatics. Aquarius are people that have to learn for themselves, in other words they have to see it to believe it. Most Aquarius men have an IDGAF attitude unless the situation directly affects them in any form. Like all of the other air signs (libra & gemini), Aquarius love meeting new people and are generally social, especially if they're comfortable with their surroundings. 

Aquarius Strength Keywords:

- Witty
- Clever
- Humanitarian
- Inventive
- Original

Aquarius Weakness Keywords:

- Stubborn
- Unemotional
- Sarcastic
- Rebellious
- Aloof

Sex With Aquarius:

Aquarius have a very imaginative approach to sex, they like creativity and novelty, they are not fond of not passion and an emotional sex. Sex to an Aquarius is a fun thing, expect to laugh and be silly, it's like a fun game between a couple. Anything goes with Aquarius, they like spontaneous encounters and quickies.


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