Kepler The New Planet

 Still Wondering If Earth Is The Only Populated Planet 

Close cousins? Comparison between Earth and Kepler-452b and their host stars
Scientists using data from NASA's Kepler mission have confirmed the first near-Earth-size planet orbiting in the habitable zone of a sun-like star. The habitable zone is the region around a star where temperatures are just right for water to exist in its liquid form.
The artistic concept compares Earth (left) to the new planet, called Kepler-452b, which is about 60 percent larger. The illustration represents one possible appearance for Kepler-452b -- scientists do not know whether the planet has oceans and continents like Earth.
Both planets orbit a G2-type star of about the same temperature; however, the star hosting Kepler-452b is 6 billion years old, 1.5 billion years older than our sun. As stars age, they become larger, hotter and brighter, as represented in the illustration. Kepler-452b's star appears a bit larger and brighter.
Image credit: NASA Ames/JPL-Caltech/T. Pyle & W. Stenzel


  1. There are so many undiscovered planets and solar systems. They only show us a few and then say that they're unpopulated smh


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