5 Things Wrong With Social Media #30DayBlogChallenge

Okay I'll make a long story short and easy. I came across this post on Facebook (above pic), a 30 day writing challenge to help encourage more writing and embracing one's self. So being that I have a blog I am already a writer and for the most part I embrace myself. However I haven't introduced to my audience a more personal side of who I am; mainly just give my opinion on already existing topics of discussions. So I figured here's a chance for my audience to get an understanding of who I am.

Day 1

First and foremost social media is addictive! People spend their whole day on social media; searching, watching, lurking about what other people are doing, so much that we even close contact with the real world. Yes, it's great that you can have information at an instance, but we have become dependent on the internet, especially social media. It's like our social skills are ruined because of social media. People will not speak to you in reality, but comment and/or like everything you do on these networks. It's just strange. This leads to my next problem with social media.

Secret Stalking Admirers
If you think there's no one looking at your page then you're insane. Yes, it's convenient for our "lets stalk our ex or current crush moments," but what about the creeps that are watching us without speaking to you? Someone will always see what you said, did, or are doing the second you sign up. For example; my grandma who recently started a Facebook account. She doesn't have a profile picture, only have like 4 friends, and never posted anything, but she now has a random follower. That's creepy, yeah it might be one of those robot pages, (which is the next problem) but it's still strange.

Fake Profile/ Catfish
I'm sure by now we all have seen the hit TV show, Catfish. The term "Catfish" means, someone has made a fake profile by stealing photos from another online user, and use the photos to create their page. So ultimately you don't ever know who you're talking to until you meet them in person. This means that you could be talking to anyone. Which is why most social networks doesn't allow minors underneath like 16 to sign up, but "somehow" children still magically appear on social media. OMG I wonder how this is possible (sarcasm)! Easily the children or whoever changes the year they were born.


This problem has become a problem for texting conversations as well as social media conversations. We often misinterpret the message the user was trying to get across on social media, which normally ends up with trolling that user. Trolling means when a user makes a post and the audience weigh in on the post with mainly negative comments. I would say trolling is something I hate, but that would be a lie. Trolling is funny to me, sucks for the sensitive people though, and yes, I get trolled quite often.
False Information
You cannot, and I repeat CANNOT have only one source of information on the internet. Even the major sources should be doubled checked, before solely relying on them. On Twitter you could be reading about how you're dead, it's quite rude. I vividly remember when RIP Pops (John Witherspoon) was trending, I was so sad, until I found out that he was alive and twitter just sporadically murdered another person. 
