The Role of Religion: Is Religion Your Friend?

Before you get offended, if you were open-minded enough to open this post, I would like to inform you that this post is just something to make you think a little. I'm not denouncing any particular religion, so just relax. (Skip to the 4th paragraph to get to the point. Feel free to read all of it you like, though.)
Being raised in a Christian household has raised my curiosity about a number of things in life. The principles that I were raised on are somewhat eyebrow-raising in retrospect. I was raised to worship God and Jesus Christ under all circumstances. I was raised to believe that everyone who didn't believe in Jesus was hell-bound. That must suck for the men, women, and children who were raised into one of the other 20 MAJOR religions in the world. Damn sure isn't fair. What also isn't fair, is the fact that even if I am a saved Christian, I STILL might be going to hell...being that only 144,000 people will be going to heaven according to the principles of the Jehovah's Witnesses. I don't like my chances, g. Also, I don't like how here are multiple denominations among ONE religion. It is quite difficult to believe in a religion that consistently contradicts itself.
For example, I was raised in the Non-denominational denomination (Lol). In this denomination, they taught us that all one had to do to be saved was to confess the Lawd as your "Lord and Savior" and confess that Jesus died on the cross for our sins. In the Church of Christ, it states that one HAS to be water baptized to be saved. Contradiction. Also, in the Baptist church, everyone is allowed to eat some dry bread and Welch's grape juice. Ok, so one day I went to a Church if Christ denominated church with my homie Demarcus and his family. They passed out communion, and I happily took my share. My homie's family started giving me this look. I'm like "What?" They proceed to tell me, "Ooooooo, you goin' to helllll!" I was shook. Allegedly, you have to be baptized in the Church of Christ to take communion. Who'd have thought? Point is, it seems as though religion is used to confuse people.
Confusion is only one of the few things that religion is meant to do, so it seems. Religion seems to be a way to make people sheep and easy to control. Shut up, I'm not a conspiracy theorist. God refers to you as his sheep for a reason. Anyway, God told Adam and Eve not to eat from the Tree of Knowledge, right? Whether or not this story is literal or symbolic, the controlling force didn't want the happy-go-lucky inhabitants to obtain knowledge. What does this sound like, to you? I dunno...society maybe? He wanted them to remain sheep, right? Is this a method to keep people unquestioning and obedient under all circumstances? "Why not instill this behavior in people? It sure as hell makes it easier for us. Hell, while we're at it, let's make them come out of their pockets for being Christians. Let's send around the collection plate three times (which I've actually experienced) and make them pay for us to be rich, while they still struggle. Let's keep them dependent upon God to succeed in life and make a way for themselves. They're not gonna question anything anyway, we've taught them not to do that. They just rely on "faith"". They're making us pay 10% of your ownings EVERY week? Are those taxes, g? That's pretty clever, actually. It's also clever how they kidnapped Africans from Africa, FORCED this religion onto our ancestors through murder and abuse, and had them spread this over many generations to their children. Now that many African Americans are devout Christians, I don't see many white elitists that believe in Christianity. I could be wrong though. There ARE 2.1 billion Christians in the world today.
"When the white man came to Africa, the white man had the Bible and the black man had the land. When the black man left Africa (in chains), the black man had the Bible and the white man had the land."
All in all, I believe religion, in general (not just Christianity), is a tool of division used among the masses of people in the world. We've had was over religions, for Christ's sake (lol). Jesus Christ, can it get any more blatant than that. This, along with race wars, is another installment of the "Divide and Conquer" principle. It still works, of course. However, despite everything I've said, I have maintained a spirituality and a belief in God. I don't consider myself a Christian, though. When I hear myself say that, however, I think of how much I hear people say that now. Then I wonder, is that also a societal-influenced belief or another form of brainwash? Ehhh. It's hard to tell nowadays. Regardless, this was just a thought. Hell, probably something that you yourself have considered. Don't take offense.
"There’s a lot of speculation as to what allegiance I pledge myself to, but I look at it this way: I believe in God and I believe you can learn a lot from the holy books, but I’ve read too much about the history of religions to place my faith in a specific one. I’ve seen too much of the corruption of Christianity and Islam. I respect all religions in their core message of love and oneness with God. But no religion has been brought to someone as a friendly gesture. It’s always, ‘You are gonna join my religion because God don’t look like you, he looks like me because I’m beautiful and you aren’t’, and that’s how you tear someone’s soul away. And when God is supposed to look like you and he doesn’t, you become the spiritual prisoner of that people. And I ain’t nobody’s prisoner." --Immortal Technique.
Follow me on Twittuh @CjayTheGreat. Out.
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