Obama's Tells Truth Subliminally / Request Dj Khaled for Introduction Music

As a president it isn't ideal to even be joking about being a Muslim Socialist. Recently Obama puts on a Saturday "Knight" Live show on for the sheep of America on C-SPAN recently. With pseudo - satire ( subliminally dispelling accusations by pretending to admit to the accusation blatantly). Obama exclaims "were changing around things a little bit" He could mean there building FEMA camps or he could mean attempting to build a Utopia for the future, you decide. While his personally requested Dj Khaled All I Do Is Win entrance music is playing in the background. Sadly the urban minorities of the nation will feel honored and ignore future injustices, providing more trust and dependency on the Obama administration. Obama such an intelligent man, by relating to their own manufactured and designated culture. A culture he has never possessed due to his blood relation to most American Presidents including Former President Bush, Former Senator John Kerry and Current Vice President Joe Biden. Yup there isn't a such thing as Democracy its Imaginary. Hmm you don't believe me ? Well if your vote truly counts why does it pass through another filter (THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE). Even while Obama knows all of this he is quite amused stating, "My job is to be president,  your job is to keep me humble, frankly I think I'm doing my job better." Just take your interpretation of Mr. Obama's comedy show wherever you want, you might not have the courage to wake up and take it to your soul.


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