The Way We Think. (Random Thought)

As I read along my TL on Twitter, I saw someone say, "Family will fuck you over the worse." As it seems, many people hold this to be the truth. As I thought some more, I realized, society has our minds completely fucked up. I know you hear this a lot with people (especially people too young to even know what they're talking about) always criticizing this generation, but they're on to something. Society has developed our thought processes into "You can't trust anybody out here." or "Everyone is out to get you." Once you develop that mentality into the masses, that mentality becomes the truth. Once our minds hold something to be true, it becomes true. Now, since no one trusts one another, everyone is out to get each other. Isn't it possible for us to be unified? No? Why not? We find it realistic for someone to walk up on you with a pistol and blow your brains out. We find it realistic for someone to randomly rob you (which does happen often). We even find it realistic that family will fuck you over worse than any stranger could. Negativity is realistic, but not positivity (which isn't even a real word)? They have our minds so messed up, that we don't even trust the people with our same blood? While it is true that family can do some dirty things, why is it? It may be because of the popular idea that you can't trust them anyway. "We can't trust them anyway, so why not screw them over?" That's not LITERALLY what they say, but you get it. This socially-accepted concept of Social Darwinism and Capitalism has skewed our perception of each other. We have been taught that it is 'every man for himself', instead of being devoted to help one another. We're taught that everyone out there is a competitor and a foe. Thing is, they're right. It's like that because everyone shares that belief. Now, we're setting here giving each other the side-eye because we don't trust each other. Imagine that. "One nation...under God....INDIVISIBLE?" Nah, g. We're more divided than we'd like to think. With division, we will never achieve the power we could possible have. When we are divided, we are weak. But just think, if we're all together, who is against us?

Follow me on Twitter @CjayTheGreat so you can see me act ignorant and contradict myself. Out.


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