April Fools Pranks For You!!

Lost For Pranks?

I want to start this by saying that April Fools is the dumbest holiday ever (in my opinion). I really don't take this to be a serious holiday, unlike 4/20. Yes, now 4/20 should be a national holiday everywhere just for peace, relaxation, and of course to smoke. Anyway back to April Fools Day, this day probably started off as some kind of joke and then somehow everyone in the world caught on to it. Although I do feel like this is a stupid holiday to celebrate this holiday is enjoyable, if you play the right pranks. Pranks that are done right are always good to laugh at especially since laugher and love are the best medicines (literally). So here is a small list of things that will make this holiday funnier for you. Enjoy!

Pregnancy Scare

I know every male reading this will disagree with this joke, but yes it is funny...well it's funny if the girl is not a psycho. This is a simple, harmless, and funny joke to pull on your boyfriend (if you're in a good relationship at least), your parents, and friends. Faking a pregnancy scare is funny because of the reactions that people have towards the "new news."

The Blow Horn

I actually seen this prank on twitter and I just think it's soooo sooooo funny. Wrapping a blow horn underneath a chair so that when you sit on the chair the blow horn blows. This prank will catch anyone that doesn't see or expect this prank. I haven't tried the prank out for myself, but this seems like it would be hilarious if you actually pulled it off. This is the perfect prank to pull on a teacher, co worker, friends etc...

The Break-Up

This slightly cruel prank is probably the most useful and funniest of them all. Pranking your significant other by breaking up with them for only a day. This is perfect not only to see what and how their reactions are, but you could also use this day to have "you" time. If the relationship is a good one of course you get back together with that person and if things get out of hand you can always say "April Fools." Yes, the person will be mad but only for a short period of time.   

Fake Text

Of course fake texting people or just a fake text is always a way to get quick laugher and enjoyment out of the day. Fake Texts could also be cruel, heartless, and for selfish purposes, but hey it's a joke so get over it. Fake texts are also the easy April Fools joke to figure out, because so many people usually do fake texts for April Fools.

Cream Cheese Deodorant

Replacing a friend's, parent, or brother/sister's deodorant with cream cheese is a unique prank. Although you definitely will need time to plan and execute the prank it is fairly easy to pull off. This prank is so discrete that anyone can pull it off, because most people don't analyze their deodorant before using it.

April Fools Day can create hurt, laugher, and confusion, but at the end of the day a joke is a joke and everyone takes them differently. I personally think this day is childish and stupid but if this day can make you happier in any kind of way than enjoy it. People need to lighten up anyway and stop taking everything so serious because sometimes people just want to have fun.


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