Cancel These Shows PLEASE!!!!!!

American idol has officially been on the air for 11 years now, and it's time for it to be canceled. Yes, I'm sorry for all of you who are still "fans" of the show but the show has completely changed and dwindled since Simon's departure. Of course the auditions are still hilarious, but American Idol as a whole has become ridiculous, repetitive, and redundant. First of all why did they start using 4 judges instead of 3? Having 4 judges creates unnecessary ties for people who probably shouldn't have made it to the next round anyway. However this season of American Idol became quite interesting having relevant stars like Nicki Minaj and Mariah Carey as judges, but now that both stars have decided to leave Idol, I imagine that the show will once again SUCK!!! 106 & Park was every kid's dream back in like 2002. If you were a hip-hop lover you watched and wanted to attend 106 & Park in the early 2000s. The sad part about the decline of this show ...