Hysteria in Syria: What is to Come?

Over the course of the last month, matters have intensified in the Middle East; specifically Syria. After discovering that Bashar Al-Assad, President of Syria, has been using chemical weapons against it's own people, the Obama Administration has become bent on using military and "humanitarian" force to neutralize the oppressive Syrian leader's regime. There has been a push for a military strike on Syria to retain the "credibility" of the United States of America. President Obama feels as though the U.S. needs to attack their people to prove themselves as serious. Although the Obama Administration passes these actions as the right thing to do, seemingly the rest of the world is against it--with the exception of Canada, Turkey, and France. Even the majority of the United States cannot seem to agree. Is this strive for "credibility"for the good of not only America, but the world? To answer a question with a question, how rational is it to p...