
Showing posts from January, 2015

Joey BadA$$ - B4.Da.$$ Review

B4.Da.$$ Brooklyn native Joey BadA$$ celebrated his 20th birthday with the release of his debut album B4.Da.$$ on January 20, 2015. The highly anticipated independent artist meets all expectations with the album, expressing his upbringing and societal value of the dollar bill. Joey has definitely brought back that legendary New York sound in songs like "Hazeus View" and the single "Christ Conscious." Audiences have given mixed reviews, some saying he has "sold out," while others are calling the album a classic. I understand both views, being that Joey is known to have classic lyricism like in his classic mixtape 1999. B4.Da.$$ doesn't show his true lyricism, however the album is a great album, proving that Joey can develop music far beyond just bars. I would not say Joey has "sold out." Good job Joey hell of a way to bring the New Year in! # B4DAMONEY is available now! iTunes: http://     Amazon: http://

Old Jay Z Demo Tape Surface

Uncovered Classics As you all should know by now, I am a Hov fan, so hearing that an old tape surface created much joy in my heart. Although the surface of this demo may be another marketing technique from Hov in order to solidify the Hov era another decade. The lyrical content and flow in the demo creates this masterpiece. The production inside the tape is lacking, but he gets a pass being that this is prior to the Yeezus era. Audiences have voted to make this a reasonable doubt 2! Well done Hov.  Powered by

Golden Globe Winners

2015 Golden Globe Winners List  MOTION PICTURES Best Drama WINNER: "Boyhood" "Foxcatcher" "The Imitation Game" "Selma" "The Theory of Everything" Best Comedy "Birdman" WINNER: "The Grand Budapest Hotel" "Into the Woods" "Pride" "St. Vincent" Best Director Wes Anderson, "The Grand Budapest Hotel" Ava Duvernay, "Selma" David Fincher, "Gone Girl" Alejandro GonzĆ”lez IƱƔrritu, "Birdman" WINNER: Richard Linklater, "Boyhood" Best Actress in a Drama Jennifer Aniston, "Cake" Felicity Jones, "The Theory of Everything" WINNER: Julianne Moore, "Still Alice" Rosamund Pike, "Gone Girl" Reese Witherspoon, "Wild" Best Actor in a Drama Steve Carell, "Foxcatcher" Benedict Cumberbatch, "The Imitation Game" Jake Gyllenhaal, "Nightcrawl...

Empire The New Hip-Hop TV Series

Fox Presents "The Empire"   The drama begins as critics are excited to explore this new hip-hop Soap Opera. The show stars Academy Award Nominees Terrence Howard & Tarji P. Henson, as two business partners who built the Empire, a music record label with many stars. Behind the lights and cameras are many problems and obstacles inside of this Empire, which causes major conflicts between the two stars. Director Lee Daniels is behind the scenes, so yeah this is a guaranteed "Hit" we're just waiting on the show to air tonight on Fox (ironically) at 9 pm. Fox often criticized for their political biasness on topics similar to the hip hop culture. The hip hop community is having split responses about the series, artist like Frank Ocean, who also is a character in the show, is excited, while rappers such as 50 Cent criticized the show by saying, "the style of the show is copying his series Power." The point is that everyone is talking about the Empir...

RIP Stuart Scott

Stuart Scott Legacy Stuart Scott, a longtime anchor at ESPN, died Sunday morning on January 4, 2015, at the age of 49. He inspired his colleagues with his talent, work ethic, personality and his devotion to his daughters Taelor, 19, and Sydni, 15. His first real ESPN assignments were for "SportsSmash," a short sportscast twice an hour on ESPN2's "SportsNight" program. When Keith Olbermann graduated from "SportsNight" to ESPN's "SportsCenter," Stuart took his place in the anchor chair. "He was like a ball of fire walking in the door," says ESPN senior vice president Mark Gross, a coordinating producer at the time. "I had never met anybody like Stuart Scott." ESPN will miss one of the most memorable sports anchor