Yorks Passion CO, Find Your Passion and Follow!

Find Your Passion Let it be Passion, that keeps the door open to your fantasies and dreams, let it be Passion, that rocks you to sleep at night and roll with you in the day. It is your Passion, that is with you while you are on the road to success, on your road to progress, with every breath that is given from your heart beat that is driven. What ever your Passion is chase it, i'm just giving you the drive and motivation with style and inspiration. Listen to your heart... That beat is your tone your sound your music that's plays for the rest of your life, so use your instruments and my the music of your dreams Abdullah A. Thomas IG: @at_last_atlas Twitter: @at_last_atlas Facebook.com/abdullah.thomas. york.1 Facebook.com/YorksPassion Tumblr: YorksProductions.tumblr.com Tumblr: AllenxTown.tumblr.com