
Showing posts from October, 2016

Atlanta on Tuesday night

If you haven't begun watching the show Atlanta by now, you're officially lost in society. Atlanta airs every Tuesday night at 10 pm, providing their audience with timeless relate able humor that's cohesive to the story line and our time period. As usual the whit comedy wasted no time in addressing political subjects. In this particular episode Paper Boi is a special guest on a popular talk show "Montague," who questions the rapper with controversial topics  While in the midst of one of the most historic Elections and critical ages, there lies Atlanta engaging all audiences. In this particular commercial theirs a road runner trying to steal the little kids cereal. Imitating the typical concept seen in most cereal skits. However unlike the normal responses and development, Glover decides to incorporate an example of police brutality. This demonstration provides an innocent insight of the perspective of the average human, especially minorities. Being that the ch...

Solange - Seat at the table Review

2 Sisters on top of the industry I finally listened to Solange's new album, Seat at the table . Yes, I know I'm late and many of you are probably saying "You sleep," but I wanted to be completely fare with my words. Like most people when you first hear Solanges' name,  Queen BeyoncĆ© comes to mind, and soon after instant comparisons fuels the conversation. As a younger sister I can relate to persistent unintentional judgement from several angels both negative and positive. One moment someone is saying you're smarter than the other, and in the next skit they're expressing how you're existence obsolete. Yes, the challenges of not releasing your full potential, which is why I'm so proud of you for this album. Anyone with ears can hear that Seat at the Table is instrumentally crafted using strings and horns to build such a classic euphoric symphony. Solange talented vocals ranging  between Soprano and alto stands out through out the entire album. ...

Video leak of Donald Trump vulgar comments towards women

After this video there is no way anyone should still be able to support Donald Trump . Every person who has a mother, sister, or daughter should be offended by Trump's vulgarity and disrespect towards women in such an obscene video. Although the recording of this video is in 2005, as a presidential nominee such words should never be heard, because this changes the image of you and the country if you're elected. People are now wondering if Trump still agrees with these statements and if not how would we know if he's being honest. As the face of the GOP Trump is a huge embarrassment and contradicts the conservative perception of the party, which is why important figures such as Condoleezza Rice publicly stated she does not support Trump and will not vote for him in this upcoming election. Since the leak of the video Trump has apologized, while also referencing Bill Clinton's rape allegations in attempts to shade light on his mistake. This is a terrible angle to pos...