Rest in Power: The Trayvon Martin Story

On February 26, 2012, a teenager by the name of Trayvon Martin, was fatally shot in small gated community outside of Orlando, FL. A middle aged Hispanic male named George Zimmerman was identified and charged as the shooter. The conflict started because the African American teen was seen walking in the community wearing a black hoodie, and without hesitation the former military man decided to take the "law" in his hands. Accusing Martin of disturbing the community led to a physical conflict which ended with the death of the teen by gunshot. The tragic murder of the innocent teen spread like wild fire exciting racial tensions throughout America. After Zimmerman was acquitted of all charges the outrage in the black community influenced the Black Lives Matters movement and protest. Since then cases all over the U.S. increased with Black people becoming victims of racially charged crimes including police gun violence, such as; Sandra Bland, Michael Brown, Stephon Clark, Kalief...