Lemonade Premier

The beyhive is once again buzzing over Beyonce's premiers her sixth studio album Lemonade on HBO last night. Following an unexpected single "Formation" in February, Beyonce announced she would be releasing a visual album alongside a world tour. Although I've yet to see all of Lemonade, several clips have gone viral, completely taking over the entire internet. So far I've seen the visuals feature Tennis Champion, Serena Williams getting sexy and twerking. Hmm that's interesting, seems like Serena wants that A-list attention. However the focus of Beyonce's new album is what's stirring up all of the noise. The lyrics blantely states that her husband, Jay Z has cheated on her. Heavily Beyonce weighs in on dishonesty and deceit, that has caused her to threaten and contemplate divorce. Twitter and the beyhive members have gone crazy, just straight coming for Jay Z's throat. It's pretty hilarious and a great way to start off my morning, although I'm sure HOV doesn't enjoy this, but then again he's rarely on social media. However Jay Z isn't the only one who's getting stung by the hive. During the premiere of Lemonade Kim Kardashian West, secret nemesis of Beyonce attempted to steal some shine off of Lemonade by posting a series of unusual sexually implied photos on Instagram. The beyhive caught this and began the attack by posting lemons and bee emojis. Now no one really knows the relationship between Beyonce and Kim, but fans are definitely seeking some clarity in this incident. Rachel Roy who was supposedly the center of the elevator fight has been named HOV's mistress, but all of this are implicated incidents. Fans want answers now that Bey has put it on blast. Idk, we shall see, what a week for music...



  1. I love it!!! F HOV ������������


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