Swastika VS Confederate Flag; They Are The Same!
We are taught that as a Citizen of The United States, that we have Constitutional Rights. Much has been made of the Second Amendment which is; the right to BEAR ARMS. The most important Amendment for those of us of African descent, is the Thirteenth Amendment which; Abolished Slavery and Servitude.
However, it is the First Amendment that remains the most powerful of all. Black Americans are currently under attack due to Racial Profiling, Voter registration Laws, and Hate Crimes. You can contribute this renewed sense of animosity to the election of the first African- American President. Since the 2008 Election Freedom of Speech has become Freedom to Offend.
Under the First Amendment it also includes Religious Freedom. In the past Church and State rarely collided. Religious Leaders openly prayed and supported the decisions of the Country’s Leaders through ill- advised wars, Civil Rights matters.
Which brings us to today Our President and a vast majority of State Legislators, Congressmen and Senators have called for removal of Confederate Flags on Government Buildings. Major retailers such as Walmart no longer sell items which display this symbol of hatred.
This has brought out small groups of Citizens who are exercising their “Right to Offend” taking this opportunity to display this symbol of hatred, bigotry, and lastly of a law that remains the single most significant reason why other Countries view America as a giant hypocrisy.

Public officials such as; Elected Officials, Judges, Police Officers , Teachers, and any Vendor receiving government contracts should have a detailed code of ethics. They should not display support for a symbol of prejudice and the unlawful practices that this symbol represents.
The incident in Charleston, South Carolina is a permanent reminder that even with the historic changes of today. The doctrine of hatred continues to be passed from one generation to the next. Murderers such as;Dylann Roof, James Earl Ray, Byron De La Beckwith all share a common attachment to the South, support of segregation and support for a Flag that should be banned and publicly admonished from today’s society.
So ask yourself. Who are these people you see riding around in their trucks with this symbol of hatred displayed so proudly. Are they Teachers, Police Officers, Elected Officials, or someone being paid with the tax dollars of all Americans which include Black Americans or some other Minority?
So do they have the Freedom to Offend?
Exercise Your Freedom to demand a National Ban of a Symbol of Hate.
Inspired By My Father Zachary Andrews
Let's call the Confederate Flag what it is: a symbol of slavery. I recently had an argument with three Hispanic friends who said they didn't agree with removing the confederate flag from the statehouse in South Carolina. They said they didn't believe in "revising history". Removing this symbol of slavery, however, isn't denying the history of slavery. We should never deny the brutal racism that the slavery of Black Americans or the genocide of Native Americans represents. In fact, our society should never be allowed to forget these crimes against humanity. On the other hand, we shouldn't tolerate these symbols of racial hatred and slavery in our midst today. Racists should be punished for waving their symbols of slavery in our faces. Ban the Confederate Flag to the obscurity it so richly deserves.
ReplyDeleteIt's been over 150 years ago since slavery. No one that was a slave or slave owner is alive today. I can see your point about symbolisim but freedom of speech is still our right. So if it offends you just ignore it. It is just a piece of cloth. You make more out of it then it really is.
DeleteIf it's just a piece of cloth, why not get rid of it since many are offended by it?