No Bra Trend Acceptable or Trashy ?

Who created bras anyway? 

Wearing a specialized garment designed to support a woman's breasts may date back to ancient Greece. Vogue magazine first used the term brassiere in their 1907 spread; brassiere derives from the French language meaning upper-arm. Mary Phelps Jacobs acquired the first patent for the term brassiere in 1914, and by 1930 the term was shorten to bra.  

In the 80s being bra-less was common, in most of the 80s teen movies and sitcoms were seen young women bra-less. Back then being bra-less was acceptable. In the recent years the bra-less trend have seem to come back in style, although many people still disagree with the trend. People argue that only women of a certain size should not be judged if they are to go bra-less. Yes I understand, I don't want to see someone's grandma walking around without a bra either, but I wouldn't judge her if she does. Others are convinced that bras are needed to support the breast, keeping them firm and perky for a longer time frame. However research has proven that this is in fact not true. Bras do not stop your breast from sagging. 

"Robert Mansell, a professor of surgery at the University Hospital of Wales, in Cardiff, reported that, "Bras don't prevent breasts from sagging, with regard to stretching of the breast ligaments and drooping in later life, that occurs very regularly anyway, and that's a function of the weight, often of heavy breasts, and these women are wearing bras and it doesn't prevent it."  "We have no medical evidence that wearing a bra could prevent sagging, because the breast itself is not muscle so keeping it toned up is an impossibility." John Dixey told interviewers. "There's no permanent effect on the breast from wearing a particular bra. The bra will give you the shape the bra's been designed to give while you're wearing it.” Bras only affect the shape of breasts while they are being worn. Deborah Franklin, a senior writer in science and medicine, wrote in Health magazine that, "Still, the myth that daily, lifelong bra wearing is crucial to preserving curves persists, along with other misguided notions about that fetching bit of binding left over from the days when a wasp waist defined the contours of a woman's power." Dr. Christine Haycock a surgeon at the New Jersey Medical School and an expert in sports medicine. Dr. Haycock said that "Cooper's ligaments have nothing to do with supporting breast tissue... They just serve to divide the breast into compartments"

So why am I suppose to where something that's uncomfortable and unhealthy? I say embrace the bra-less trend! We see nipples and boobs in movies and television shows constantly, so what's the difference. Guys would argue that without a bra is trashy and is drawing attention to your breast, increasing their libido. However speaking from a women's perspective I simply hate wearing bras, I'm not purposely drawing attention to my body, bras are uncomfortable. Imagine wearing a cup in your underwear all day. Breasts are natural and I feel that it's not trashy to walk around bra-less. There's no difference than walking around in high shorts or tight clothes in my opinion. 


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