No Bra Trend Acceptable or Trashy ?
created bras anyway?
Wearing a specialized garment designed to support a woman's
breasts may date back to ancient Greece. Vogue
magazine first used the term brassiere in their 1907 spread; brassiere derives
from the French language meaning upper-arm. Mary Phelps Jacobs acquired the
first patent for the term brassiere in 1914, and by 1930 the term was shorten
to bra.
In the
80s being bra-less was common, in most of the 80s teen movies and sitcoms were
seen young women bra-less. Back then being bra-less was acceptable. In the recent
years the bra-less trend have seem to come back in style, although many people
still disagree with the trend. People argue that only women of a certain size
should not be judged if they are to go bra-less. Yes I understand, I don't want
to see someone's grandma walking around without a bra either, but I wouldn't
judge her if she does. Others are convinced that bras are needed to support the
breast, keeping them firm and perky for a longer time frame. However research
has proven that this is in fact not true. Bras do not stop your breast from

So why am I suppose to where something that's uncomfortable and unhealthy? I say embrace
the bra-less trend! We see nipples and boobs in movies and television shows
constantly, so what's the difference. Guys would argue that without a bra is
trashy and is drawing attention to your breast, increasing their libido.
However speaking from a women's perspective I simply hate wearing bras, I'm not
purposely drawing attention to my body, bras are uncomfortable. Imagine wearing
a cup in your underwear all day. Breasts are natural and I feel that it's not
trashy to walk around bra-less. There's no difference than walking around in
high shorts or tight clothes in my opinion.
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