My First Kiss & Love (Details) #30DayBlogChallenge
Day 3
Your first love & first kiss; if different discuss both!
This is a very personal question for most, including myself. When topics like this are discussed we tend to be very careful about the details because you never know who's watching, listening, or in this case reading. I will briefly discuss my first kiss first, because it's very simple and straight to the point.
First Kiss
Now First Love
Love is defined as a feeling of deep romantic or sexual attachment for someone. Some argue if you can control who you love or not; my perception is that love is a feeling and all feelings can be controlled. Now if that person has learned to control them or not is a different scenario, but we all have the ability to. A person show you their characteristics and you ultimately decide if you will tolerate the good and bad parts.
My first love was a guy who I'll keep name disclosed. He was a senior in High School and I was a freshman, No, I do not condone the relationship, now that I look back on it, but hey I was young. I am what you call an "old soul" so the people I usually like gives me a unique perspective about the world we live in, music, art, science etc... I enjoy actual conversations that I can debate, learn, elaborate, and build off of, and at 14 most people only care about the new music or tv programs. Not me. So when I met an older person who was thinking about the things I was, the fascination began. I fell in love with him. I became attached to him. He introduced a different perspective of life to me, beyond the normal read the bible, go to college, and get a good job, and I loved it. Everything began to make sense! Today I still use both the things he taught me along side of my own developed knowledge and the previously taught information. The relationship lasted on and off throughout my entire high school years, until we officially broke up 5 months before my graduation. I found out he was cheating on me and had gotten another girl pregnant, I was devastated. I then went to college and well that's another story. He was my first love, I have no clue if he even loved me, but he was mine.
Last night I just discussed the topic of love, how genders love and the difference between love, desire, and obsession.
How men love:
How women love:
seek love. A woman's love is based on desires and feelings oppose to the
physical attraction of a person. This is why women often fall in love with
their “best friends." We love the people who make a feel good or make us
feel the way we want to feel, even if that doesn't necessarily mean a good or
positive feeling. We become accustomed to a feeling and if it correlates to our
desires we seek what resembles those feelings. Most women seek love and adjust
to the situation.
Aww sorry to hear about your first love, but at least you learned from the experience. And this is on point with the way men & women love so accurate