What Does Your Tattoo Mean? #30DayBlogChallenge

Day 7 

My tattoo story

Well I was a sophomore in college when I decided to finally get my first tattoo. I had been thinking about this tattoo since I graduated high school, but I wasn't old enough or was willing to pay over $40 for the tat. I have only one tattoo located on the lower side of my waist. The tattoo is a red broken heart with white Mickey Mouse hand gloves ripping the heart. My tattoo is a replica of Kanye West 808s and Heartbreak album cover. However the tattoo for me symbolizes not only overcoming relationship heartbreak but being able to withstand myself no matter what life throws at me. I always look at my tattoo when I'm in a difficult situation in order to remind myself that I've survived worse and it instantly makes me feel better. I also am a fan of Kanye West and love music in general so that helps. I love my tattoo, although people keep saying that I will regret it, but I can't see that ever happening because of the story behind it. I wear my tattoo proudly hoping that when others happen see it after they've intertwined with my personality, they think "wow I wonder what her story is, because I'd never think she had one."


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