Phrases, THOTS VS On Fleek #30DayBlogChallenge

Day12 1. T.H.O.T = Those Hoes Over There Whoever decided to make an acronym for that word; like high five to you because it's hilarious. I do not seriously use this term, so if you ever hear me saying this please know that it's for comedy. In 2013 is when I believe the acronym became popular and since then people have added to the acronym such as; thotties, McThotson, Thot Pocket, Thottied, etc... The list can go on. 2. Fleek = Nice Honestly I don't know the correct definition for the term but the implied definition is it means nice or good. This word is hilarious to me but you'll never catch me using it. The word is just too odd to place in a sentence for me. Popular phrases using the term are like: hair on fleek, eyebrows on fleek, fleekish, fleeked, outfit on fleek etc... Basically the common phrase has the "on" in front of the word. I would say this word evolved in 2013 also and I have no clue where it came from, probably vine.