If everyone were healthy (The Health Care Business)

The Health Care industry is the world's most profitable industry. We count on you to get sick, get hurt and die early. We want you to be violent towards one another, to use unhealthy products, to consume unhealthy foods that over time cause you sickness and obesity. Have you ever wondered why Sulfate is in Hot Cheetos and Shampoo or Aspartame in chewing gum and Aspirin? Sodium Chloride is in Visine, but when Chlorine gets inside of your eye it burns and worsens vision.

The global pharmaceuticals market is worth US$300 billion a year, a figure expected to rise to US$400 billion within three years. The 10 largest drugs companies control over one-third of this market, several with sales of more than US$10 billion a year and profit margins of about 30%. Six are based in the United States and four in Europe. It is predicted that North and South America, Europe and Japan will continue to account for a full 85% of the global pharmaceuticals market well into the 21st century. Companies currently spend one-third of all sales revenue on marketing their products - roughly twice what they spend on research and development. This also provides the income for millions of employees in the field. Students are in school training to be a part of this industry which contributes to their debt and increases the profit of the business. If everyone were healthy all of these people would be unemployed, causing the profit of the entire industry to drastically decrease.

Let's take the company AstraZeneca creator of the drug Nexium for example; who are number 2 in profits for the pharmaceutical industry according to Medscape. Nexium is a retailed drug used to treat heartburn. In 2014 AstraZeneca revenue was over 26 billion dollars with over 50,000 employees. This company has ties and affiliation with Volvo, Ford, and Saab. The current chairman of Leif Johansson is the former CEO of the Volvo Group which is a subsidiary company under Ford. AstraZeneca parent company is Investor ABale who also owns share in The Saab Group which manufactures both military aircraft's and pedestrian vehicles. Saab is currently being controlled by the Wallenburg family, whose fortune was acquired by owning banks. So how do these companies keep their money?

Corporations recycle their money, ultimately receiving a substantial profit. They pay taxes that are eventually deducted towards each company that they're affiliated with. For example a hospital would deduct the number of patients who checks and uses their services. Alongside of the amount patients are required to pay after using hospital services, which we often do not deduct from our taxes. Aside from profits increased from the tax payers in the 20% taxation range. Also known as the middle class, who are taxed at a high rate in order to provide the "free" government health services to the poor. However the average major corporation owners are between the 1-15% taxation making them not financially responsible to support these government services, which is why the bill falls on the middle class. If everyone were healthy this business owner would not be as wealthy. 

Just like there are prison stocks, there are health care stocks. The products used inside of hospitals from the staff assigned outfits to the maker of the theta scope, are all businesses that make large amounts of profit in the health care industry. Who's to say that the food industry isn't working with the health care industry? Both are businesses who want to profit, all it takes are a few greedy people with the ability to network and negotiate. I guess that's impossible right?

If everyone were healthy and only died from natural causes of old age, the world would be happier. People would not fear death as much as they do because they would already know it would be painless. Some people fear dying and others fear the causes of death. Sometimes I wonder if perhaps the stories told like in the bible are literal in terms of age. During those times people lived a more natural lifestyle that disease wasn't nearly as recognize able as today. The most common cause of death was child birth. They ate foods that didn't require unnatural substances inserted into them, which probably is the reason why diseases were uncommon. There is no return back to this natural state, because we're in the technology age, but somewhere somehow we must find a healthy balance between technology and being naturalist.


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