The Rules for Cheating (Kehlani, Kyrie, & Party)

Due to recent incidents involving musicians Kehlani, Party Next Door and Cavaliers star Kyrie Irving, I've decided to conduct a list of the official cheating rules while in a relationship. For those of you who don't know what happened, here's a brief synopsis; Kyrie and Kehlani are dating, Kehlani use to have sex with Party, Party releases photos with captions showing Kehlani in his bed alongside of captions that implies sex, Kyrie responds with embarrassment on Instagram, Social media begins the trolls without any word from Kehlani, the next day we all wake up to Kehlani releasing photos and statements of attempted suicide, claiming she never cheated on Kyrie.


1. Take Ownership, if you're caught cheating red handed you take ownership. Why? Simple. We all know how intelligent our significant other is, so depending on the situation not taking ownership reveals more character flaws than the actual cheating act. You're now saying to your partner "you are an idiot and will believe anything I say," basically you're now testing them and the relationship opposed to respecting them by being honest after already depleting your trust. Use this incident as a release for everything you've felt and done in the relationship. No, this doesn't guarantee the person will continue the relationship but it does allow you to get everything off of your chest, and if the relationship continues it'll be a fresh start. Your significant other would now know the errors in the relationship to either move forward from the situation. Of course you'll have to earn your trust back, but that'll happen in time as long as you continue to be honest. 

2. Chose wisely the person to whom you're cheating with.
This is the most critical part when cheating, because everyone is different. Meaning everyone handles situations differently. The person you're cheating with has to be on the same page as you and what you all are doing or things are sure to end messy. In Kehlani's case she chose an immature spiteful person, who clearly doesn't respect her. When PartyNextDoor put her on blast he didn't care about how her image would be disrespected or how she would be affected at all. He knew that there would not be a good outcome other than publicity for everyone, and even then Kehlani is the female in the equation. It's a clear fact that the world is harsher on females when referring to sex and relationships and no female enjoys being degraded regardless of money. They may tolerate being degraded but definitely not enjoy it.

3. Establish the identity of the relationship. Here's where a lot of people mishandle cheating. Many people chose to ignore the fact that they are cheating in order to save their guilt. Uhh no if you're aware that you're cheating, but still want the other relationship, talk about it with the other person. It's better to be blunt with statements like "look I like you a lot and I want to continue cheating with you, but I love my bf/gf and I have no intentions on breaking up with them. My mind is made up." Not only is this statement direct enough to eliminate confusion, but it also puts the ball in their court. From then on their responsible for the decision to continue or not, and the emotions attached to that decision. They can no longer blame you for misleading them, because you both know what the relationship identity is. 

4. Eliminate PDA

Have you ever seen a couple together being all out in the open and thought "aww they're cute," but then you find out the story behind their relationship? Yeah, it sucks and kills your perception of love, the relationship and both people. So why would you publicly create any scenario, opening up the opportunities to be caught or judged. Yeah you may not care about being judged when you're not guilty, but when you feel it's wrong and others broadcast the situation, it's discomforting. When you're involved in an adulterous relationship, it should stay between you and the other person. No one besides you two should know that yall even speak outside of wherever you guys met. When you're involved in public display of affection (PDA) of any kind your relationships are now at risk. The slightest thing could expose your relationship, because that's what most people are looking for anyway. Why do you think reality tv is so popular, because of the drama so don't think your life is excluded. 

5. Stay on guard and remember everything like it’s the password for your phone. Cheating requires lying, and most people pay attention to detail when they're in a relationship. Especially for guys, women remember everything when it's involving someone they like or love. Even if we act like we don't, we do! Guys have a tendency to be freer and careless, because they're not in any rush to settle down. However when it's a person they like or love, their actions are extremely similar. The off guard things that will get you caught is like: If you're texting different, your schedule becoming inconsistent, late hours, decline in conversation, phone calls, how you handle your phone etc... These are little signs that most people pick up on and once they have any intuition about infidelity in a relationship, the investigation begins.

6. Lastly, when you're caught cheating show empathy if you want to save the relationship. Do not try to flip the script unless you know you'll get away with it, and don't try to play the victim. If you try to do this you're just showing traits of manipulation and no one likes to be manipulated.

Referencing Kehlani, claiming you didn't cheat while attempting suicide for the allegations is a contradiction in itself. No one is attempting suicide for being innocent in a situation like this. You're a celebrity so you should expect and accept the backlash; it's a part of being broadcasted to the world. Cheating is a common act in today's society, no this doesn't mean it's justified, but it's not abnormal. Posting that you attempted suicide is a cry for attention, because if you sought God or help you'd do it not post it. Next time Kehlani just save the dramatics and release a new song like Drake. 


  1. Yo this was a good ass article. I think you hit all the right points. I can't disagree with any of them.

    For the record, Kehlani (and anyone else that showcases their "attempted suicide" on social media) is a clown.

    BTW, this was crazy hard for me to read because I couldn't close the email sign up pop up.

    1. Thanks! and i gotcha, im fixing that asap!

    2. Hey, I gave you (and this article) a shoutout on my show.
      It's emaradio, show 71.

  2. The only victim in this is kyrie. If my girl cheating I want the guy to post it letting and her future mates know how immature and disrespectful she is. Bravo to party

  3. Don't threaten suicide just die


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