My Morning Routine #30DayBlogChallenge

Day 22

Well my morning routine is simple. I wake up and brainstorm my entire day, thinking about what needs to be accomplished that day and I will accomplish them. After moments of brainstorming I begin working towards what I just summed up. Most mornings I'll start my day off with a daily devotion about positivity, currently I'm reading Contagious Optimism by David Mezzapelle. This book consists of multiple authors, journalist, speakers, and quotes on positivity. Giving you different views and experiences that could help you get through your hard times. 
After I get a dose of positive vibes in the air I'll go walk, write, meditate or eat. There's no specific order for which activity I complete first, but usually I'll write first. Writing is soothing for my soul, it allows me to see my thoughts and adjust according to the situation. Normally I'll eat last and do multiple tasks throughout the entire day.  


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