Open the Vault Top 10 Disney Movies

There's always a message and a principal to be learned while watching a Disney movie. These messages are what evolve the story line, setting the tone that speaks to their audiences. Below are 10 of the greatest Disney films ever released; excluding the Disney princesses, because that's a separate discussion. 

The Lion King
Lion King is by far still the one of the greatest movies ever created. The story of young cub named Simba, who's learning how to become the king of Pride Rock. Watching the infamous tail as a young child helps you develop true character. Teaching us the difference from right and wrong, how to face hardships, why we should appreciate the people in our lives, and even how to develop relationships with others unlike ourselves. The Lion King is appreciated by audiences of all ages including adults. Everything from the scenery to the cast created the realism inside of the film. The voices of the characters were castes perfectly, and the music help develop each scene as memorable moments. As you can see, I love Lion King, a bonafied classic. 

Toy Story
Arguably Toy Story is the closest competition to Lion King. Andy and his toys are one of the funniest Disney films of all time from my perspective. If you ever wonder why kids build an entire imaginary world, than toy story answers those questions. This film created a story line behind the imagination of a child that literally brings the toys to life. This entertaining film is the story of a boy named Andy whose toys come to life while he's away from them. Toy Story teaches the meaning and importance of friendship. Disney is known to make their audience tear up with the princess movies, Lion King, Up, Bambi, Nemo and more, but Toy Story is the complete opposite. This genuinely well scripted movie earned its Classic title by making the audience smile, laugh, and simply enjoys the movie.

Finding Nemo
Many of Disney films are targeted for the children, with the exception of a few. Nemo is a part of this select few that encrypts a message mainly for parents or other authority figures. This is the story of a young ambitious fish. However his overprotective father drives Nemo to take risk resulting in his departure from his father. Now the search is on to find Nemo. As you grow sometimes parents forget that you're developing and how you will need to make your own mistake in order to become who you are meant to be. Finding Nemo addresses this common parenting error of being overprotective. The comedic aspect of the movie lightens up the actual situation and adeptness of the message, and making the script appropriate for all audiences. 

Umm I'm not sure which movie is sadder Lion King or Up? Idk. Up has the most unique storyline out of all of the other movies in my opinion. This is the story of an annoying young boy who ends up keeping the company of a grouchy old guy. Up forced me to seek a bigger picture pass what someone might present to you. As humans we all encounter unique situations, but as we grow and meet new people, they're only seeing the results of past situations without knowing who you are. This often leads to prejudgment, and no one deserves to be prejudiced.

This epic story of a boy being raised by gorillas is the classic tale of two worlds colliding. A mother’s natural instinct is to care for the young, and that's what's shown in Tarzan. The film provides the message that family is who you make them, and home is truly where the heart is. The soundtrack to Tarzan features the smooth sounds of Phil Collins, which is suited perfectly for the film. The music builds the events which captures the climax of the film.

The Aristocats 
"Everybody wants to be a cat, lol" especially after this movie. I hate cats, but once I watched this movie I wanted 3 kittens. This is the story of a rich lady's cats that are kidnapped, and undergoes a journey to return home. The upscale cats are introduced to the Alley cats. Making Aristocats one of the first animated films I've seen that incorporates implied poverty. Although the message of appreciation wasn't heavily weighted in on, I still feel as if the film depicted that aspect very well. The comedy inside of the film keeps the audience interested, before the plot is introduced. The character detailing and music is what creates a nice structure for the film. 

Peter Pan
We all should know the story of Peter Pan, especially since they've been several re-releases, non-animated movies, plays and so on. The story of Peter Pan is constantly being told and redeveloped by film makers. As for the Disney classic, Peter is an orphan boy who can fly, never grows old and got lost in Neverland. Peter meets Wendy who teaches him the value in growing up and the importance of having rules. 

Monsters Inc
Monsters Inc was one of the most unpredictable scripts Disney has written. There were twist and turns around every corner of the story line, and I loved it. The hilarious humor throughout the movie doesn't make you questions anything inside of the movie. This script feels real. Ultimately showing us the affects people have on our lives, Monsters Inc teaches us how to love. Yes the other movies displays love also, however in Monster Inc, Sulley develops a bond with someone whom he's suppose to fear. No prior relationship of any kind, just love for a child who he just met. Talk about affecting a person. 

Inside Out
The most recent film out of the bunch, but yet still deserves the classic title. Inside Out is a completely unique story about emotions and growing up. As childhood comes to an end a preteen name Riley is experiencing her first set of life's obstacles, which is described through the characters playing her emotions. Emotions are the causes of reactions, so the film allows you to see how ever reaction has a cause and effect. The films shows the trials of growing up, but also allows you to see that there's nothing wrong with it, especially since everyone has to encounter growing older. However the film may lose younger kids attention because of how the movie is structured, it may lose their attention span. This is a film for the pre-teens and parents, who may be unaware of how their decisions affect their children. 

Meet the Robinsons 
This awesome film is the least talked about movie on the list and maybe even for all Disney movies. Meet the Robinsons is extremely underrated. This is the story of a young inventor who's striving to have his questions about his life answered. Like most creative people, he often doubts his abilities, because all of his inventions are failing, but he soon learns he's far from a failure. I love this movie. If you're feeling down that your life isn't where you want it to be, go watch Meet the Robinsons. The motto of the movie is "Keep moving forward" no matter what the challenges are that you face. This movie is filled with great characters, great design, and optimism.  


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