
Showing posts from February, 2014

@lilinicols THE TREND SETTER #NaeNaeDance #BeenRich

Li Li Nicols The Trend Setter!! Video contains topics about Robin Thicke and Paula Patton's Split, the Nae Nae Dance, and the recent trending hashtag #BeenRich  Li Li Nicols in Charlotte This is my first solo YouTube video so please give me feedback!  I will be releasing videos weekly on everyday topics and my views on them. If you have any suggestions on for a video where you want me to address a particular topic please inform me.  Contact me at

Horizon - Spit A Lil Something (Freestyle) @horizonofficial #LiveL!ve

Horizon - Spit A LiL Something (Freestyle) !! Horizon in Charlotte #LiveL!ve What do you think about upcoming Newark, NJ rapper/producer/songwriter new FREESTYLE!? Horizon is definitely on the rise! For more information contact  To listen to more instrumentals go to For videos

@ArikaKane #LiveL!ve #WomenCrushWednesday #WCW Women Crush Wednesday

Women Crush Wednesday Arika Kane  VH1 Songstress /Hollywood Exes Theme Singer/SUBSTANCE 14 weeks @ #1 in Contemporary R&B Albums. New Single Releasing March 18th BSE Recordings

After 20 years Robin Thicke and Paula Patton Breaks Up

Robin Thick and Paula Patton Break UP!! Robin Thicke and Paula Patton first met in 1993 while the couple was in high school. They officially wed in 2005 and decides to separate eventually will be filling for divorce. This saddens me because they were the one couple who I thought would make it for a lifetime :(. Paula or Robin have yet to state the reason for the split but says that they will always love one another. Ironically after Robin's "blurred lines" video which features topless models and Robins controversial VMA's performance with Miley Cyrus. Could this be the cause of their break up? Probably because I know that if I were with someone so long and they did this I would be mad, but I dont think this is something to split over. I'm sure they're more private details to why the couple split, but hopefully they think concisely about the decision because the media will eat this up. Here is the controversial VMAs performance and  the hit single...

Lust or Love Not a Netflix

Love | Lust I've noticed in the recent months that dating has become less serious and more casual oppose to the past. We are forgetting one of the most essential pieces of life, LOVE. Nowadays we are confusing Lust with Love, and I don't think there's a direct person that we can pass the blame to. Everyone has good and bad qualities, and we're suppose to use dating in order to find out what those qualities are, and basically if that person is worth dealing with for the rest of your life. I feel that there is no point of claiming a relationship if you truly do not want one, and there's nothing wrong with not wanting a relationship and/or title. Ladies just because a guy will listen to your problems, doesn't mean he loves you. Fellas just because a girl sleeps with you doesn't mean she's in love with you. This is real life and not a movie, and the odds are that if you're love life resembles a movie than you'll be having a lot of problems sho...

Welcome Pisces Season !!

Pisces    February 20 - March 20 Symbol: The Two Fish Element: Water Planet: Neptune These fish are emotional and sensitive but don't take their sensitivity for granted or use it as a weakness. Pisces usually have a kind heart, but often find themselves in weird or bad positions. Due to that fact that Pisces try to see the good in everyone instead of realizing the bad. Don't bother trying to get over on a Pisces because most of the time they can point out a lie from a mile away. Pisces are forgiven people but not stupid they are private and know what to expose to you and what not to expose to you. This is why some are often considered devious and sneaky individuals. Pisces always travel into their own reality and some get so caught up into it that they mistake it for reality. On the downsize Pisces can be some of the laziest people ever which is why they need something or someone that will drive them and get them focus, because they w...

#WomenCrushWednesdays #WCW WCW

Live L!ve Women Crush Wednesday Goes Too! Sophia Body! She is definitely Eye Candy worth the title! Horizon - SPIT A LIL SOMETHING


 Hot Pockets Recalled Due to Diseased Meat Inside of Them I am so sad this has happened :( , because the Philly Cheese steaks were my favorites! However this is great that the USDA caught this before anyone got effected by the contamination. Here is what the Chicago Tribune released about the Incident! Nestle USA has issued a voluntary recall of two varieties of its Philly Steak and Cheese Hot Pockets because they may contain diseased meat that has already been recalled by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The two brands, which were distributed nationwide, are Hot Pockets Philly Steak and Cheese in three different pack sizes and Hot Pockets Croissant Crust Philly Steak and Cheese...

Real Irrational Games! Kendrick vs Drake? (Top MC)

Who Wins Top MC? I have no clue why irrational games are trending, but when I seen the subject this what I immediately thought. Lately everyone has been in a tangent over who is the top MC today, and majority voted that it's definitely either Kendrick Lamar or Drake! Yes this is a hard choice even for me. Kendrick freshman album Good Kid M.a.a.d City was a guaranteed classic and an amazing start of a career. However Drake has had 3 consecutive platinum albums equally amazing, especially with his 3rd album Nothing Was The Same . I am still playing both albums (literally), but who deserves the title as Top MC?                                     The Break Down Kendrick Lamar - Good Kid M.a.a.d City (Classic) Platinum, Crossed Over, Nominated for The Grammys (should've won), Solid delivery ,...

#PresidentsDay JFK A True President

A True President   I Just would like to wish everyone a Happy Presidents Day while appreciating the best and most controversial President the world has ever watched. I would go into more detailed, but that's just to political to get into. Here goes his last speech before he was assassinated. This speech is one of the most remembered and honest speeches that has ever been introduced to the people. What are you guys thoughts about his assassination and his presidency, not his personal life.

Are Minorities safe in Florida? #DunnTrial

LETS UNITE AND STAND UP AGAINST STAND YOUR GROUND!   For those of you who don't know the dunn trial is about Michael Dunn, a white American male who murdered Jordan Davis, African American teen. Thirty-one hours after deliberations over four days, a jury could not decide if Michael David Dunn, 47, was guilty of first-degree murder in the shooting death of Jordan Davis, 17, during a confrontation over loud rap music in a Jacksonville, FL gas station parking lot.  Dunn was charged with first-degree murder, three counts of attempted second-degree murder and one count of firing into a vehicle in the Nov. 23, 2012, shooting. The jury couldnā€™t reach a decision on the first-degree murder charge, but convicted on the other four. I feel that minorities have become public enemy #1 target in America. Justice is never truly served when the prisons are filled with innocent people and publicly known murders like Michael Dunn and George Zimmerman either are convicted o...

#ThrowbackThursday When New York Dominated Hip Hop

 Happy Throwback Thursday    A Tribe Called Quest - Electric Relaxation Remember when New York and the other surrounding northern cities dominated the hip hop industry? I'm talking about the Wu Tang Clan, A Tribe Called Quest, Eric B. & Rakim, Nas, Jay-Z, Biggie, Big L, Big Daddy Kane, De La Soul, DMX, Slick Rick, Mobb Deep & Many more! Well all has definitely changed, since that time hip hop has become more national and international. Now you see MCs from all over the globe, but myself and many others miss and remember what hip hop use to be. Rappers are no longer coming from Cali, New York and occasionally the mid west. People the international success of hip hop isn't a bad thing though, this simply mean the genre has finally taken over the world. Hip Hop spread like a wild fire after the historic 90s era! I'm proud that the music I love is impacting so many people in different ways, allowing highly skilled new talent to arise! So for throwback thu...

Its Aquarius Season

Aquarius Season!!   January 21 - February 19 Symbol: The Water Bearer  Element: Air  Planet: Uranus Every Aquarius I come across says the exact same thing, "My element is water" NO your element is air, understand that first. Aquarius people from all of my gather information, knowledge, and experiences are highly clever. They have the most control over their emotions and choose when to care or not care about something. The women come off as emotional but deep down inside they're not as emotional as they display, most of that so called "emotions" are just dramatics. Aquarius are people that have to learn for themselves, in other words they have to see it to believe it. Most Aquarius men have an IDGAF attitude unless the situation directly affects them in any form. Like all of the other air signs (libra & gemini), Aquarius love meeting new people and are generally social, especially if they're comfortable with their surrou...