Enjoy life! Spread Love

"To live a life of one's own choosing
Is not about the winning or loosing
It is living each day for the thrill of the ride,
Not what awaits on the other side.
Taking the process as the essence of what you do
Not what happens when the effort is through
The joy of each step, a source of elation

The greatest gift of God's creation."
A poem by Karen Lyons Kalmenson
Every morning I wake up and read a page out of a book titled Contagious Optimism. Starting the off with a positive message and experiences shared by many published authors. I believe that optimism and having a positive spirit not only makes you a happier person but provides security and confidence for the person you are growing into. Everyone chooses different paths in their life, which will be scrutinized by others, but it's up to you to realize what fits you and brings happiness to your life. Whether your happiness is in your career, faith, activities etc... When you live life for others and not as the person you are impacts your confidence and ultimately your happiness. It's interesting that I woke up and read this particular poem today because after I was a part of a small religious debate. No I'm not a religious person, but I don't condemn or pass judgment for those who are. If walking in your faith makes you happy and an ultimately a better person than by all means do so. If that's the person you are then I'll stand by you and stick up for you by any means. You are who you are and I am who I am. As long as you're free. Love and happiness is freedom to me. There are many similarities between religions, but the one thing that they all preach is spreading love, and that's what I believe life is about. So in the spirit of this free mindset I'll share with you Wiz Khalifa ft Snoop Dogg Young, Wild and Free, the song is featured on their movie Mac and Devin Go to High School which premiered on Netflix in 2012. The message is simple "So what" about others opinions, because they're not your judge, even if you don't agree with the words, still apply the message to your life. I love this song. 🙂😁 Peace.Love.Unity ✌🏾️



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