
Showing posts from November, 2015

Bond, James Bond Spectre Review

007 is back, well actually in this film they're deteriorating, Daniel Craig starred as James Bond, is ordered to stop any pursuits towards the Spectre organization.  A cryptic message from Bond's past sends him on a trail to uncover a sinister organization. While M battles political forces to keep the secret service alive, Bond peels back the layers of it to reveal the terrible truth behind SPECTRE. This is a great action film, as there are twist and turns around every corner. As soon as the intensity leveled, BAM! Here comes more. The story line was very detailed that captured the audience attention. How do I know? Well, I am not an action movie kind of person and I managed to enjoy the 3 hour long movie without falling to sleep. Craig was a good choice to depict the 007 character, very believable alongside the beautiful co-star Lea Seydoux, who plays Dr. Madeleine Swann. Swann is the daughter of a member of the Spectre organization, who parted ways from her fath...

Top 10 Greatest Rappers of All Time

I'm First in foremost you cannot be considered the greatest of anything if you're not recognized. No that doesn't mean the more titles you have determined your greatness, but a substantial amount of people should agree before calling you the greatest. Why? "Great" people influence more people and greater people. Great people skills ultimately are recognized before their name. For example; Michael Jordan is considered one of the greatest, and during his time I'm sure there was a person that could've beaten him, but that doesn't mean that they have more skills than Jordan. If greatness was determined by one time frame, one game, one accolade, and one album, than a lot of "Greats" wouldn't or would be ā€œGreat.ā€ Time ultimately shows your talent, work ethics, being able to withstand even under pressure. You could be the best basketball player in the world but if no one sees it, you're only great to yourself, and if you don't compete h...

What Does Your Tattoo Mean? #30DayBlogChallenge

Day 7  My tattoo story Well I was a sophomore in college when I decided to finally get my first tattoo. I had been thinking about this tattoo since I graduated high school, but I wasn't old enough or was willing to pay over $40 for the tat. I have only one tattoo located on the lower side of my waist. The tattoo is a red broken heart with white Mickey Mouse hand gloves ripping the heart. My tattoo is a replica of Kanye West 808s and Heartbreak album cover. However the tattoo for me symbolizes not only overcoming relationship heartbreak but being able to withstand myself no matter what life throws at me. I always look at my tattoo when I'm in a difficult situation in order to remind myself that I've survived worse and it instantly makes me feel better. I also am a fan of Kanye West and love music in general so that helps. I love my tattoo, although people keep saying that I will regret it, but I can't see that ever happening because of the story behind it....

Humans Are Fascinating #30DayBlogChallenge

Day 6 This took me forever to come up with, and I still may change the person. I couldn't come up with a single person who fascinates me. So I decided to say everyone fascinates me. Knowing people and their different life stories of what makes them who they are. When you meet someone you meet the person at their current state in life, if you're like me you pick up instant energy and vibes from people that help shape their character. However although you may feel the vibe they give off you're still unaware of why they give off this particular energy. I can instant feel if the person is a toxic person who might harm me and if they have no intentions of the sort. Weird right, but I'm not lying. No I cannot predict the future or outcome of the relationship, but if the energy is toxic and something drastic happens I cannot beat myself up about the decision I chose. Many call this intuition, an energy we all have only some peoples are stronger than others.  I belie...

Pan Movie Review, The Story of Peter Pan

I'm sure we've all seen the Disney movie Peter Pan, about a young orphan boy who has the ability to fly, never grows old and lives in a place called Neverland. In the original story Peter is fighting the pirate Captin Hook and falls in love with a human girl named Wendy, who eventually leaves Peter to live an ordinary life. Now in this movie the plot is entirely different, and Wendy isn't in the picture yet. Pan is the story about Peter, who's played by Levi Miller and how he got to Neverland to ultimately become the Peter Pan we all know. The villain is pirate Blackbeard played by Hugh Jackman, who's a pirate that collect orphans across the world and bring them to Neverland to mine in search of fairies and pickie dust. The pickie dust is what keeps you young, but like everything it wears off daily. Captin Hook and Peter meet as they both were miners who coincidentally had a niche for one another. Captin Hook who's played by Garrett Hedlund helps Peter in t...

The Difference Between Arrogance & Confidence

This morningā€™s breakfast club radio show inspired me to talk about my views on cockiness today. Charlemagne the God said this morning that cocky people does not bother him, but they have to back up the talk or they'll definitely get reminded if they fail, and that's just the truth. As he referenced this weekend UFC match between  UFC Bantamweight Champ  Ronda Rousey VS Holly Holm. The match was exciting, and as soon as Rousey received her first knock out by Holm, the internet went on frenzy. Well of course all great fighters talk smack before the event: Mayweather, Ali, and Mike Tyson etc... It wouldn't be as anticipated without the chatter. The drama the theatrics is what makes every fight entertaining. I mean who wants to see people fight for no absolutely no reason?  Anyways, Ronda Rousey began talking about how she's the best, how she would beat Mayweather in a fight, yes Money Mayweather who holds the record of 49-0 wins, and even she accurately described how her ...


At least 35 people were killed Friday in shootings and explosions around Paris, many of them in a popular concert hall where patrons were taken hostage, police and medical officials said.   The world watched in horror as a flurry of violence erupted in Paris. Scores are dead. France's borders are sealed. The city is under a curfew for the first time since World War II. Here's what we know about what's happening: ā€” The the siege at Paris' Bataclan concert hall is over.. One police official described "carnage" inside the building, saying the attackers tossed explosives at the hostages, then blew themselves up with suicide belts as police closed in, the Associated Press reported. ā€” At least 100 hostages, at the hall for a concert featuring a California rock band, Eagles of Death Metal, were reported killed there. ā€” "You think . . . what was that. You get down. You find yourself between dead bodies. You are afraid, you don't know what's happe...

Dubai is the Place to Live! #30DayBlogChallenge

Day 5 We all have fantasized about living in places that we've never visited. Dubai is that place for me! I imagine Dubai being the land of oil and diamonds, with rich people on every corner, and having zero poverty. lol. Well I know that's too good to be true, but what I have seen from Dubai via Snapchat is that the city is in fact beautiful. The ocean looks as blue as in cartoons and the sun is always shining. However this blog post got me thinking about how I want to live and travel the entire globe, but I know nothing about these places. Different countries have certain laws, monetary systems, and cultures that I know nothing about. So I decided to look up a few things about Dubai, and here they go:   Currency: The UAE dirham is pegged to the US dollar with the rate fixed or pegged at (approximately) Dh3.67 = US$1.00 (or 1 UAE dirham = 0.273 US dollars). The currency unit in Dubai and other emirates is the United Arab Emirate dirham, divided into into 100...

Tell Me 10 Interesting Facts About You? #3oDayBlogChallenge

DAY 4 I have a third nipple.  The politically correct term for this common abnormality is polythelia. No this nipple does not form a third breast (just to clarify). My left pinky is permanently crooked.  No I wasn't born with a disfigured little finger. The story behind this is, in 11th grade I was involved in a fight with a girl in my neighborhood, and well I broke my finger during the fight. Immediately after the fight was over my finger was swollen, but this was my first time breaking anything so I didn't know the finger was broke. Long story short I waited too late to go to the doctor to have it broken and re-straighten so it just healed crooked, and a new bone grew under the original bone. In 11th grade I had a benign tumor in my left breast. I had to get the tumor surgically removed, and that was by far the scariest moment in the world. Knowing that you will be put to sleep while others is in control of your body. Surgery is terrifying! I believe in spir...

My First Kiss & Love (Details) #30DayBlogChallenge

Day 3 Your first love & first kiss; if different discuss both! This is a very personal question for most, including myself. When topics like this are discussed we tend to be very careful about the details because you never know who's watching, listening, or in this case reading. I will briefly discuss my first kiss first, because it's very simple and straight to the point.  First Kiss I was 12 years old in 8th grade (yes I know I was young in 8th grade), attending Chamblee Middle School in Atlanta, GA, this was 1 year after Hurricane Katrina Struck my home city(New Orleans). I guess I was dating this boy name Shaquille Muhammed, we both didn't know what dating really entailed, but we just copied our associates and TV. Anyways all we did was walk around the school together, and at the end of the day he walked me to my bus. I leaned in for a hug, but he kissed me instead, it caught me completely off guard. I don't know if this was his first kiss, but ...

Diddy MMM First Listen Review

Guess Who's Back? Yep, Bad Boy! Diddy decided to release an unexpected mixtape title  MMM  for all the Bad Boy fans. Saluting none other than the late Notorious B.I.G. Puff Daddy is making sure his legacy lives on in this tape. This star studded mixtape features Bad Boy's current roster; King Los, Lil Kim, and French Montana, but also artist like Future, Wiz Khalifa, Big Sean, Travis Scott and more. I enjoyed  MMM  because it brings out that classic New York sound that us 90s babies remember. My favorite is the "Facts" introduction, Oooh that was cold! Great way to introduce your legacy Puff, and yes I have to refer to you as Puff, because that's what this mixtape does,  MMM  brings me back. King Los is hands down the best MC on the tape, Big Sean second this time. Diddy still sucks at rapping, but he's Diddy. The only flaw I can hear in  MMM  is the hooks could've been a little more catchier, but other than that,  MMM  is solid. I giv...

Young Thug - Slime Season 2 Review

Young Thug - Slime Season 2 The streets are loving Young Thug's newest mixtape Slime Season 2. I guess you can say he delivered on his natural sound. No, it's not my cup of tea, but the beats are fitting for his voice, and he sounds like the Young Thug that first came out, which is a good thing for his fans. Nice job Thugga you lasted another year in the clubs with this one.

What's Your Earliest Memory? #30DayBlogChallenge

Day 2 To give you guys a brief history about myself, I am originally from New Orleans, LA and was raised there until age 11. In 2005 I evacuated to Atlanta, GA because of Hurricane Katrina, I was in 7th grade living with my family which consisted of my cousins, parents, siblings, aunt, uncle, and grandparents. With that being stated my earliest childhood memory takes place in the city of New Orleans. I separate my memories based on seasons, people, times, locations, music, and important events, because I feel that separating them makes me remember more. So I would have to say that one of my earliest childhood memories is playing on a school yard. My sister and I are only 16 months a part, so she was always a grade level ahead of me. I was always a loner even as a small child, I played with very few children, actually the friends I made as a young child are still my dear friends today. So when my sister's class came on the play ground I instantly went to hug her, without rega...