
Showing posts from March, 2016

BTDMG - Limitations (New Music)

NEW MUSICā€¼ļø FT BEAR @DgleWittaDgle @YoungCec & @_AlmightySav prod. By @Iam_Queso & @777Cartel The official BTDMG squad is back dropping off their newest track "Limitations." After receiving such a positive response on their previous single "Pores," which hit WorldStar , it doesn't surprise me that this song grabs my ear also. Limitations is a kickback type of song that gives the audience multiple feelings to feed off of. Some people could twerk or grind to the beat, others might want to drink smooth alcohol and vibe to the song, but either way the song will be enjoyed. Limitations demonstrates the groups versatility in their sound. The song is completely different from "Pores," and I'm excited to see what they do for the video.

The Rules for Cheating (Kehlani, Kyrie, & Party)

Due to recent incidents involving musicians Kehlani , Party Next Door and Cavaliers star Kyrie Irving, I've decided to conduct a list of the official cheating rules while in a relationship. For those of you who don't know what happened, here's a brief synopsis; Kyrie and Kehlani are dating, Kehlani use to have sex with Party, Party releases photos with captions showing Kehlani in his bed alongside of captions that implies sex, Kyrie responds with embarrassment on Instagram, Social media begins the trolls without any word from Kehlani, the next day we all wake up to Kehlani releasing photos and statements of attempted suicide, claiming she never cheated on Kyrie. Okay... 1. Take Ownership , if you're caught cheating red handed you take ownership. Why? Simple. We all know how intelligent our significant other is, so depending on the situation not taking ownership reveals more character flaws than the actual cheating act. You're now saying to your partner...

Enroll in Capital Prep (Diddy's New School)

Sean "Diddy" Combs is going from hip-hop and vodka mogul to education. Combs is opening a charter school in his hometown of Harlem in the same building as El Museo del Barrio and the Museum of the City of New York. Combs started the prep work for the Capital Preparatory Harlem Charter School in 2011, and it will finally open this fall,   according to the Associated Press. The school also has some big names on board.   Steve Perry   will oversee the school, Danita Jones will be the school's principal, and Iyanla Vanzant and the Rev. Georgiette Morgan-Thomas are on the school's board. Capital Prep will be a free, public school for grades 6-12, and will aim to provide a "year-round, college prep education,"   according to the school's official site .  Capital Prep Harlem is a free, public charter school located in the Harlem neighborhood in New York City providing grades   6 ā€“12 with a year-round, college preparatory education that develops lifel...

Open the Vault Top 10 Disney Movies

There's always a message and a principal to be learned while watching a Disney movie. These messages are what evolve the story line, setting the tone that speaks to their audiences. Below are 10 of the greatest Disney films ever released; excluding the Disney princesses, because that's a separate discussion.  The Lion King Lion King is by far still the one of the greatest movies ever created. The story of young cub named Simba, who's learning how to become the king of Pride Rock. Watching the infamous tail as a young child helps you develop true character. Teaching us the difference from right and wrong, how to face hardships, why we should appreciate the people in our lives, and even how to develop relationships with others unlike ourselves.   The Lion King   is appreciated by audiences of all ages including adults. Everything from the scenery to the cast created the realism inside of the film. The voices of the characters were castes perfectly, and the music help...

Rapper Phife Dawg Passes Away From Diabetes

Tonight family, friends, and fans mourn the loss of Malik Taylor ā€œPhife Dawg,ā€ member of the legendary group A Tribe Called Quest. Malik passed at age 45, due to complications from his long term illness Diabetes. For those of you who don't know A Tribe, is a 90s hip hop group which consisted of originally four members, Phife, Q-Tip, Ali, and Jarobi, until after the release of Peopleā€™s Instinctive in 1990. Phifeā€™s wordplay would rap you up, down, in and out a beat. His delivery on every song always stood out, with his unique voice.   Ali Shaeed, the groups Dj, combined Phifeā€™s and Q-Tips sounds, making them one note, which flowed together. As a person who's been surrounded by and obsessed with hip hop her whole life, rappers like A Tribe has influenced a lot of my own sound. His creative lyrics are what set Malik apart from the standard political rap. A Tribe Called Quest was about the music, the lyrics, and the fun, excelling during a time period where gangsta rap wa...

The Best and Worst Superhero Movies

As we approach the release of the highly anticipated superhero movie Batman VS Superman, I was inclined to write about my top superhero movies and the overrated ones. Some are recognized as great hero movies, others are overshadowed, and the rest have been hyped up entirely too much. The Favorites  1. The Incredibles Although this is a Disney animated film, it still provides you with that Superhero niche like the more realistic super movies. There's an intricate plot that threatens society and a villain that's to be defeated. The story line is well developed and makes sense throughout the entire movie. The super family displays multiple powers unlike the each other's, piecing together the perfect super family, who undergoes family troubles that'll soon be resolved. 2. Hancock Will Smith stars as an unnatural human with abilities to save humans. Unfortunately this is something Hancock wants to do; he'd rather drink booze and leave society's...

My Morning Routine #30DayBlogChallenge

Day 22 Well my morning routine is simple. I wake up and brainstorm my entire day, thinking about what needs to be accomplished that day and I will accomplish them. After moments of brainstorming I begin working towards what I just summed up. Most mornings I'll start my day off with a daily devotion about positivity, currently I'm reading   Contagious Optimism   by David Mezzapelle. This book consists of multiple authors, journalist, speakers, and quotes on positivity. Giving you different views and experiences that could help you get through your hard times.  After I get a dose of positive vibes in the air I'll go walk, write, meditate or eat. There's no specific order for which activity I complete first, but usually I'll write first. Writing is soothing for my soul, it allows me to see my thoughts and adjust according to the situation. Normally I'll eat last and do multiple tasks throughout the entire day.  

Let's Talk Sex

Sex, is the most natural form of intimacy that all species crave. We're created to procreate, so of course it's natural for us to want sex. However we still question the time frame in which we should have sex with our person of interest. Often fearing that premature sex will have long terms effective on the relationship, such as; developing feelings of entrust, boredom, dislike, and rejection.  When you have sex with someone you like, you eventually wonder if you're the only partner, where is it going, how long will these last, or family growths related events.  Un-trusting the person you like, without having reasons to do so is doubt that you created. Branching off in search to fill an unintentional void that has been placed is a form of unsatisfactory, which is if you're searching. Simply beginning to dislike a person after the lust depletes leads to mix signals because you thought the lust was more than lust.  Rejection, ouch! No one enjoys being rejected. ...

Kendrick Lamar Untitled Review

On March 4, 2016 Kendrick Lamar decided to release an unexpected album titled  Untitled , which features the song Untitled that he premiered on The Colbert Report. The album has 8 songs all which are titled untitled followed by the numeric placement on the album. I think the Untitled series is a pleasant follow up from his album Grammy winning album  To Pimp a Butterfly , personally I enjoy the Untitled album more. In  Untitled  Kendrick sounds more like he's having fun while incorporating his political style.  Untitled  is an album that you can smoke, drink and just ride to without feeling depressed. He borrows some of Drake's   If you're reading   feel towards the end of track 2 and he sounds good, but definitely is not something that I would like him to continue. Untitled continues the Old school disco jazzy sound that Kendrick presented to us on  To Pimp a Butterfly . I like the album but I am looking forward to Kendrick's next album,...

Chris Brown Karreuche Cross Fire

Throughout Chris Brown's entire entertainment career his relationships remained center stages. He's came at several industry people and entertainers either defending his own character or speaking on theirs. In case you haven't kept up with the Chris Brown Karrueche fiasco here's a brief rundown; Chris Brown dates cheats on Rihanna with Karreuche ultimately causing the first breakup in both relationships, for the next 7 years Chris Brown and Karrueche relationship remained up and down until there official break up due to Brown getting another women pregnant. Since then Karrueche has been absent from the relationships after Brown several attempts to reconcile. Brown has referenced her name in songs, interviews, and social media.  So yesterday evening when he decided to take shots at Jacob York the singers ex girlfriend Karrueche's manager this came as no surprise. Chris Brown decided to target her managerā€™s character and position inside the entertainment industry...

What is this Snapchat?

I was having a good day until I realized   Snapchat   made an update. Last night was a normal night, snap chatting like usually, noticing a few glitches, but not thinking much of them. "Everything has minor glitches sometimes" is what I thought. So the following morning, today, I woke up and went to look at my Snapchat and the iPhone told me that the app needed to be updated. Naturally I clicked update, and well that was the worst thing I could ever do. I hate the update! The app looks like the whole design is only a filter from other Social Medias. Yes the changes do not look drastically different at first glance, but it is. The fonts are corny, the fact that your time is openly publicized, the size of the app, and taking off the letters on the right side of the page. This takes the personalized unique feeling snap chat brought away, because now the app gives off that twitter feel to the audience. Although twitter is an asset, the social app feels more like news and media....

If everyone were healthy (The Health Care Business)

The Health Care industry is the world's most profitable industry. We count on you to get sick, get hurt and die early. We want you to be violent towards one another, to use unhealthy products, to consume unhealthy foods that over time cause you sickness and obesity. Have you ever wondered why Sulfate is in Hot Cheetos and Shampoo or Aspartame in chewing gum and Aspirin? Sodium Chloride is in Visine, but when Chlorine gets inside of your eye it burns and worsens vision. The global pharmaceuticals market is worth US$300 billion a year, a figure expected to rise to US$400 billion within three years. The 10 largest drugs companies control over one-third of this market, several with sales of more than US$10 billion a year and profit margins of about 30%. Six are based in the United States and four in Europe. It is predicted that North and South America, Europe and Japan will continue to account for a full 85% of the global pharmaceuticals market well into the 21st century. Companie...

Rest in Peace Bankroll Fresh

On Saturday, March 5, 2016  Atlanta rapper Bankroll Fresh was gunned down at Street Exec studio in Atlanta. Known for his catchy singles "Walked in" and my favorite "Hot Boy," Bankroll Fresh was an underground hit maker who finally began to get his shine. The death of Bankroll is an unexpected and tragic loss. 

Best 2011 Album?

Some years in music are always better than others. It's almost like the artist or corporations sit down together and say "ok this year will be the good music year." The year 2011 was definitely one of those years for hip hop. So I asked myself, if I could only buy 1 of these albums which would it be? After carefully deliberating for a few days, going back and forth from album to album, I chose Section 80. Here's why: Section 80 was the debut album for Kendrick Lamar, and if that album would've been any other Kendrick album I would not care for him too much. As a first album Section 80 instantly grabbed my attention and forced me to place Kendrick in an above standard category. Section 80 was different from the music we we're currently listening to, and was flawless in my eyes. After choosing Section 80 would be Take Care, then WTT, and finally Ambition.  Watch The Throne (WTT) is easily the best collaborative album of the generation. People who weren...