Modern Day Mayan Elders Say Dec 21, 2012 Isnt DoomDay, Its The Start Of Earths Transformation To Unity

Recent NASA has been reporting that around the nation children are terrified and having been recently conteplating suicide in large numbers. While instatutionalized adults ignore any involvement in the course of universe. Through pessemistic perceptions Western; America,Canada. The galactic alignment will continue to be existent to the subconcious mind and non existent to the conciousness. The point of my reporting this information to you today is let a smooth weight off your shoulders if you were on of the people that developed anxiety from believing th world will end on Dec 21 2012. Really that makes the end of a 26,000 year period  now were entering the Age of Aquarious, which will be the birth of unity conciousness. Yes our DNA is set to change, when we change our DNA the society will change with it. The government is currently trying to adapt and prevent information from freeing you from your mental slavery. Heres a small summarized video about the matter which can help manifest your knowledge. Peep this video

They are other realities and potential futures still circulating. Open your eyes and realize you are a multi dimensional being of infinite conciousness. Only one of many types of beings existent to the universe, " homo sapien " FACT - God is the universe and everything in it, God is also a concious organism. Just like the Earth, You, and your cells. RIGHT/WRONG, HOT/COLD, BAD/GOOD, is called duality. Everything is an experience, and has a reason for existence. The Mayans had many calenders, no where on the calender does it translate to THE WORLD IS GONNA END ON DEC 21, 2012. IT,S JUST THE ENDIN OF THE CALENDER, its also a signal of the shifting of ages. My advice to you is to become aware, keep peace, relieve stress, and gain beneficial morals. FACT -those who are still attached to the limit of information of a religion live under fatalism. Fatalism : the acceptance of all things and events as inevitable; submission to fate: Her fatalism helped her to face death with stoic calm. If a person lives in negativity ( aka duality component ) they are participating in the negative aspect of religion and subject to judgment and consequence of God ( hell ). One that does no such. I advise research to be done on the mayan prophecy, dont believe me. DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH.
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