RFID Chip : Infringement on human right ?

On Page 1,004 of Obamas Health Care bill states that on March 23, 2013 for every American it will be mandatory to get the RFID (radio-frequency indication) chip installed in your hand under your skin. On Sunday March 21, 2010 the Senate Healthcare bill HR3200 was passed and signed into law the following Tuesday. This new law requires an RFID chip implanted in all of us. This chip will not only contain your personal information with tracking capability but it will also be linked to your bank account. And get this, Page 1004 of the new law (dictating the timing of this chip), reads, and I quote: “Not later than 36 months after the date of the enactment”.It is now the law of the land that by March 23rd 2013 we will all be required to have an RFID chip underneath our skin and this chip will be linked to our bank accounts as well as have our personal records and tracking capability built into it.

Please comment and voice your opinion on the matter.


  1. HHHHEEEEELLLL NAW! I'm not getting that shit. It sounds unconstitutional.

  2. Nigga you don't have a choice. Lol.


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