
Showing posts from February, 2016

Bravo Chris Rock, The Oscars

I've stated this for quite some time now, and idk maybe it's because I understand Rock's sarcastic political humor, but he's the funniest comedian alive. Chris Rock's tone, subject matter, and facial expressions all feed off of his comedic style making them in sync with one another. Last night Chris Rock hosted the 88 th   Academy Awards Ceremony for the second time in his career and well with all of the adversary behind Jada Pinkett Smith calling for    Black people to "boycott" the Awards, as a fan of Rock I made sure I watched the show. The Internet has gone crazy since the show and audiences are divided; there's the people who's pissed at Rock because they really don't understand the comedy and are now offended and there's the people like me who thought it was genius, because Rock addressed all the tensions and racial issues that our world currently face with classic comedy. This was the first time I actually watched the entire Award...

The Real Gods of Egypt

First and foremost the fact that the entire lead cast with exception of Chadwick Boseman who plays Thoth, being of European Caucasian decent is asinine. It's a historic fact that the Gods of Egypt portrayed in this film were of African descent containing large amounts of melanin in their DNA. Simply meaning that the characters being portrayed were in real life are black. The original statues found in Egypt shows round noses, braided hair, and big lips; these are physical characteristics of black people Akhenaten "The civilization of Egypt and of Africa in general, is the most written about and least understood of all known subjects. This is not an accident or an error in misunderstandings the available information. Except for Egypt, African people have been programmed out of the respectable commentary of history. Europeans have claimed the non-African creation of Egypt in order to downgrade the position of African people in the world history. They have laid the founda...

The Fake Future (Desiigner)

Recently it has come to my whereabouts that the song "Father Stretch My Hands" which I thought featured Atlanta rapper Future was in fact actually a sample titled "Panda" from a G.O.O.D Music artist by the name of Designer. This is unexpected twist for Brooklyn natives in my opinion. I'm use to NY artist being innovators not impostors. We give you guys credit for creating the genre now let others manipulate the sound and make their own. Stick to the classic NY sound that we all love and admire. As a resident of Atlanta, spending half of my life in this city I was irate. Personally I'm not a Future fan nor would I ever claim to be, however that doesn't make it right to be an impostor. Future is a trap rock star period, so his style being copied doesn't surprise me, but to imply accolades in Atlanta knowing you sound just like the reigning King of Atlanta and to pretend to be him by making appearances dressed as Future and letting people address yo...

Rihanna ft Drake - Work (Video)

  Superstars reunite on a track with sleek production and exhilarating chemistry. ā€œWorkā€ has a love-at-first-listen hook fueled by Auto-Tune magic and futuristic dancehall ambience. The first 30 seconds will hook you to the song instantly. This nice dance island style song will be in every club coming soon is what anyone can predict. Work is the first single to release off of Rihanna's highly anticipated album   Anti . The song is  definitely  pop influence, and quite repetitive, but catchy. Drake's verse isn't needed in the song, but I guess he's just there to stir up the drama. I wish drake would have rapped more like on "What's my name" oppose to this, being more like "Take Care" both are previous collaborations from the two. I can see how Ri Ri's fans would love the songs, but I personally can only listen to it once. Download the song using the link below!   ...

I am the Goat (Capricorns) #30dayblogchallenge

Day 21 Dec. 22 ā€“ Jan. 19 Capricornā€“ The   Mountain Climber, the Sea Goat,  Axis of   Responsibility Quadrant: Universal   Element: Earth   Planet: Saturn Mode:  Cardinal   10 th House ā€œKingdomā€ Temperament: Introvert   Gender: Masculine   Perspective: Objective Egyptian God: Seth Egyptian Symbol: Sphinx Olympian: Hestia Body Parts: Skeletal system, knees, joints Yes, I am a Capricorn. Capricorns are hard-working, trustworthy, and reliable people. They take life very seriously, are self-contained and self-satisfied. Mostly cautious, con dent, strong-willed, reasonable and hard working, Capricorns are as steady as a rock. They love being at the top of the ladder and being in commanding, respectful and rewarding positions of authority. Rational, logical and clearheaded, Capricorns have great concentration skills which help them in achieving success in life. The way Capricorns are described fits my ...

The Uninformative Black History Month

February marks the beginning of Black history month in the US and the holiday continues until the last day of February. The holiday started as Negro History Week in 1926 introduced by Carter G Woodson and ASALH, then expanded to Black History Month in 1976. In honor to the ethnicity and reflect on a significant portion of U.S. history. The negative part about Black history month is that it's misconstrued as segregation and provides limits to the culture. The positive part is that the ethnic culture is nationally acknowledged which demonstrates a form of empathy and respect. Instead of being taught about the very people who built this entire country year around, businesses including Google and the educational system choose to inform people actively during this 1 month time frame. I vividly recall everyday during this month, learning about a black person and their impact to the country, during the morning announcements. Great, right? No, there are 28 sometimes 29 days in ...

The Life of Pablo Review

What a nice Valentineā€™s Day treat we received from Kanye West, with the release of his highly anticipated 8th album   The Life of Pablo.   After several name changes Kanye finally stuck with Pablo as such a fitting title for the album. As always the entire production on the album was incredible. Kanye painted murals of each instrument as feelings like they were scenes from an old time movie. If a movie was used to describe the album I would instantly envision an old time black & white movie.   The Life of Pablo   is a fusion of old   College Dropout   Kanye,   MBDTF,   and a dab of   Yeezus   all mixed into one. Honestly I haven't concluded my exact feelings towards the album. The intro "Ultra Beam" was uplifting, "No Parties" was incredible and as predicted the best song on the album, "Wolves" was great also, but it still feels like there's something missing in this album. Unlike all of his other masterpieces   The Life of ...

Kendrick Lamar's Controversial Grammy Performance

King Kendrick stormed in and took over Grammy Night as predicted, winning 5 awards including Best Rap Album and his unforgettable performance. In absence of Rihanna, Lauryn Hill, and Nicki Minaj who announced they surprisingly were not taking the stage, Kendrick's performance held to be the best of the night. From the beginning with Kendrick being chained like a slave while performing "The Blacker the Berry" to the Compton words in place of Africa over the continent while performing "Alright" this was by far the most controversial performance the Grammy's stage has ever witness.  The audience was in awe and honestly I was a little confused myself. What did he mean with replacing the words? I understand that Kendrick could be suggesting that we're currently still enslaved, but why specify Compton. What is the direct correlation with Compton and Africa oppose to the recognition of the entire world. Is it possible that this may be a performance depicti...