Colors are Symbolic, What Does Your Favorite Color Mean? #30DayBlogChallenge

Day 18

My favorite color is blue. I'm not quite sure why my favorite color is blue, but I guess because blue is beautiful to me in all shades. From sky blue to royal blue I just love the color and always have since childhood. After doing some extensive research I found that many of the meanings and symbols that represent the color blue also aligns with pieces of my personality. This makes me believe that our spirit is attracted to certain colors through our emery frequencies, ultimately playing a minor part in our characteristics. 
The color blue often is symbolic to water and its passive aggressive like force. Water is soothing and calm, but if it's stirred up it becomes aggressive and even life threatening. Blue has connection to words like intuition, whether celestial or oceanic, blue evokes wide open spaces and is linked with infinity and primordial emptiness. The blue of the sky has been associated with the male principle, distance and the gods. In ancient Egypt, gods and kings were often depicted with blue beards and wigs, and the Hindu divinity Krishna is portrayed as blue. Still, deep water, on the other, also associates blue with the female principle. As a symbol of peace and purity, it is the color of the Virgin Mary. Blue is associated with dreamlike states, contemplation, introspection and yearning. In parts of the Arab world blue is thought to offer protection against the evil eye, and the old English custom of brides wearing "something blue" is meant to ensure fidelity.  

The color of blood and fire, red is widely associated with life and warmth. Red is linked with love and fertility. Red has been used to suggest passion and erotica in western traditions, or to suggest high energy and speed. Red is associated with danger, for example; Red alert (serious crisis), anger and aggression, linked with the Roman god of war, Mars. In ancient Egypt red was an accursed color, associated with destructive god Set, "making red" refers to killing someone. Evil doings were referred to as "red affairs" and scribes used special red ink when writing words of ill omen.

The color of plant life, green can stand for awakenings, new beginnings and growth. It's no surprise that greed and money is associated with green. There are many instances of green being linked with superhuman powers. In ancient Egypt, cats with green eyes were often feared and in medieval Europe green were associated with the Devil. Hence why the color green is also associated with the ego and "green eyed" envy. In alchemy, the secret fire, or the living spirit, was envisaged as a green stone. In Islam green is the most important color, being associated with Mohammed's green cloak, representing paradise, and spiritual refreshment.

The color of wealth, purple is often associated with expensive taste, and materialism. Historically, in the West, purple dye was the most expensive to produce as it was made from Murex or Purpura molluscs, which were rare and also costly to process. Only the rich could afford purple items, hence why the color is associated with royalty. 

Closely related to the symbolism of gold, yellow is associated with the sun and its life-giving generative powers. In China, yellow was associated with the center of the universe, Aborginals use yellow ochre to symbolized death. In Islam, golden yellow symbolizes wisdom. Egypt and medieval Europe associates the color with disgrace and cowardice. 

Black is often associated with power, authority, unlucky and witchcraft. In ancient Egypt, black was the color of resurrection and eternal life, the mother goddess and fertility. In the west black is used to symbolize death and mourning. In China black represents the feminine principle (yin), with its opposite being yellow. It's no coincidence, when I noticed that anime cartoons often use black and gold items when discussing immortality.   

This color is often associated with light. In the East white is used to symbolize death and mourning. In Africa, white is the color of the dead, but also believed to have the power to drive death away and so is associated with healing. In the West, white symbolizes spiritual purity and innocence, which is why the color is traditionally worn for baptism robes and wedding dresses. 

Traditionally, grey is associated with old age and wisdom.    

Midway between red and yellow, orange represents a point of balance between the libdo and the spirit. In India, it's the color of the second chakra, associated with sexual energy and emotions. Orange the fruit is associated with abundance. 


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