Everyone Can't Be Rich Here's Why

I'm with all this hype about the lottery pot holding 1.4 billion dollars, I've decided to weigh in on the topic of money. Since the announcement that the lottery hit the all time record of a billion memes like below have gone viral.
People are now questioning why that is the lottery pot is so large, but poverty is still relevant in our society. Saying stuff like "if everyone got a million dollars there would be no poverty."  Well I'm here to say people you're wrong! 

First off being poor/poverty is a mind set and mentality. If you believe that you're poor and if you're doing nothing to change that than you'll forever be poor. Ultimately you determine your worth nothing or no one does, so if you're rich your rich. Billionaires who come from nothing have proven that to us time and time again. Henry Ford, Bill Gates, Oprah, the list can go on. People often get stuck in this poverty mind set, because they feel they're doing what's right or best for themselves or others. Going through the same routine daily, get up, go to work, watch TV, sleep, and pay bills. The problem with this path is if you often get trapped into the routine without saving time and money to do the things you're passionate about, settling and often end up stuck with the poverty mentality. Complaining about problems without trying to find or work towards a solution, in a nutshell, giving up.

Secondly that was the dumbest comment I've ever seen because the economy is ran off of money and money is controlled by people. Meaning that as long as the economy is run with money, they'll always be a top and bottom because the bottoms are the workers in the society. So if we all had a million dollars each the prices on EVERYTHING would simply increase, causing a higher debt. More debt equals more poverty. 

Many of us simply don't understand or know about money, so how do you expect to get more of something you don't understand. Money is paper and we should value it as such, because the only reason why we stress about it, rely on it, and it controls us is because we're taught that money is more than what it is.  

Recently, Forbes released its annual richest people in the world list for 2015, and once again Bill Gates tops the chart with his net worth of 79 billion dollars. Microsoft is stated to still be his primary source of income. Now with all of these different and more advanced software and electronics, do you honestly think Microsoft earned all of this income? The answer is No Way!! This has to with understanding money. If you're constantly spending without having the same return, eventually no matter how much money it is, it'll run out and you'll have more debt. Bill Gates like EVERY billionaire has multiple streams of income. His money works for him.  If you right now were to go out and buy a house with no intention of making money from that house, you've now increased your debt, because your house has a mortgage, insurance, and utility bills.  So the next question you'd need to ask yourself is how will I profit from this situation or make this money back? 

It's easier to stay poor than to become rich, which is why most people are poor. If you're not born into money, often the poor mentality is passed on to you like a sickness. You're accustomed to your surroundings and complacent without being aware of it. Having a perception that you obtaining a large amount of money are impossible or unrealistic therefore you don't attempt to do so. I too realized this in myself this pass year. After going through my personal bank statements I had somewhat of an epiphany, I physically seen how much money I had gotten that year. I was amazed at myself, one because I got way more than I expected to, and two because I realized if I had understood money a little better I would've made better decisions.

Overall money controls the world and people control money. The central bank owning majority of all currency and that's owned by the Rothschild Family or more, but who really knows. I just know money divides people mentally and physically, hence the term classism. Of course money is not the only source of division, but it's one of the primaries. The only way to keep people ignorant is to keep them divided. Think about it!

Here is J. Cole's interlude off of his classic album Born Sinner, titled "Mo Money." The song sums up the gist of how the more money you have really doesn't solve your problem and the reason why. 


  1. You made excellent points but I still think everyone can be rich


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