
Showing posts from December, 2012

Happy New Year

2013!!!! Happy New Year to everyone!!! This year Live L!ve is trying to expand as much as possible. Thank You to all of our viewers, we really appreciate all of you! If you are interested in being a part of our team please contact us on the contact page. We really could use more bloggers!! :) Thank You for helping our success and feel free to help us improve. 

Kanye Announces Kim Kardashian Pregnancy

ANNOUNCEMENT!!!!  To be real I really didn't care to post this but since everyone is making a big deal about it, here it goes. Congratulations to them both. Now Kanye can you make some happy music? Personally I thin this is the only reason that they're together anyway, because they both fail when it come to relationships, they both are over the age of 30, and they both probably wanted kids before they got too old, but at least they're happy.  Check Out The Announcement!      

Worst Tats Scrappy New Obama Tat

Worst Tats Scrappy Well lets hope the ignorance doesn't continue into 2013. All I can say is this tat is one of the dumbest tattoos and the only tat that comes close is well just take a look! Gucci Mane It's really nothing I can say about this, but SMH! Birdman Man you not the last airbender so just stop!   The Game If you're going to get a butterfly at least let it be a nice one. Like wtf was this? #Fail ļ»æ Nick Cannon Like what were you thinking Nick? Well lets hope you two stay together or this will really be bad. Wiz & Amber I can't even lie this was actually cute, but the actual tattoos were stupid. At least they weren't big.

Kanye Rant (He Is Speaking Truth)

Kanye In Atlantic City When I first started this post I was going to put the Top 10 Kanye Rants, and maybe I will one day, but not today. I planned to say that we was waiting for Kanye to say something crazy in 2012 before the year ended because it's Kanye, but after watching the video I changed my mind. Yes, once again Kanye is going off about something and many of you are like, "what now Kanye?" However actually I agree with what he is saying. In this video Kanye goes off about the credit he's given, the Grammys, and the lies we're being told. He repeatedly say "It won't be long now," and ends the video saying that he will not attend the Grammys this year, because hip-hop albums only receive Grammys in the category of Hip-Hop and that's because most of the time they're only nominated in those categories, which is true. What could Kanye be talking about when he uses the phrase "it won't be long now," could this be the ongoing...

Top Hip-Hop Singles of 2012

Top 10 Hip-Hop Singles 2012 1. Swimming Pools Pour Up...Drink! Once you hear those first two words, you already know the next part. The second this song hit the internet it was a huge success. This single definitely deserves to be number 1 on the list because you really can never get sick of the song. Kendrick Lamar really has out done himself this year. 2. I Don't Like Chief Keef really out did himself with this song, well at least Young Chop did with the beat. This was a must like, must play, and must have song everywhere. This hit song got blew up on YouTube and caught the attention of a hip hop favorite, Kanye West. Although Chief Keef recently released album Finally Rich flopped and he has been in a lot of controversy this year, "I Don't Like" was a major success. 3. Thinkin About You I bet that you're still singing this song? Frank Ocean took over in 2012 with this single. With 6 Grammy nominations and his album Channel Orange going gold, ...

Sun Gazing What They Don't Want You to Know

Sun Gazing   Sun gazing benefits has been discuss worldwide, the desire to know the fullest imminent benefits of sun gazing spread like a sun rays, becoming a highly controversial topic that it caught the attention of the people in the scientific world. Sun holds vast energy that is easily available for people who knows how to unleash the secret of sunā€™s energy. Here are some of the sun gazing benefits: It allows a person to experience various physical and spiritual benefits. A person who practices sun gazing experiences the feelings of well-being, a connection with nature, a feeling of spiritual enlightenment, and a sense of rightness about sun gazing as a practice. Some positive results reported by sun gazers are increased energy levels and decreased appetite. ( Good for people who wants to lose weight, but this must be carefully done to avoid the risk) Sun gazing techniques has been used in the ā€œBates Methodā€ to improve eyesight, but many practitioners believe that...

What's #RealBeef ?

What's Beef?   Battling and Beefs are common for the hip-hop industry, and you can either gain or lose from the situation depending on who you are and what happened. I was going to do 2012 beefs but personally I felt like that most of them were wack. The most anticipated beefs had wack diss tracks and the other beefs were just flat out stupid. Surprisingly to me one of the hottest diss tracks this year came from the least expected, Diggy Simmons. This made me wonder like really what happened? Has Hip-Hop gotten soft? Since when do we have beefs like Drake VS Chris Brown? Yeah I know some of you are saying what about people like Rick Ross VS Jeezy or The Game VS anything? Well since Rick Ross beefs are over the same stuff since when he first came out, its now irrelevant. The Game just wanted attention for his album and Shyne just wanted attention also. There's nothing wrong with wanting some hype before an album drops, hey 50 Cent always does it, but the diss tracks and th...

#ThrowbackThursday Big L 98 Freestyle & More

#ThrowbackThursday I really started #ThrowbackThursday this week wondering who should I pick, and yes it just hit me that we do not have any hip-hop post on Big L. Why have we been talking about artist and his name has yet to be mentioned? Well here you go. The classic 98 Freestyle along with his 95 album Lifestylez Ov Da Poor & Dangerous solidified Big L as a true MC and major competitor in the hip-hop industry. In 2000 Big L released his second album The Big Picture with the classic single "Ebonics," completely elevating the hip-hop game. Unfortunately shortly before Big L's release of his sophomore album  The Big Picture he was killed in a drive by shooting. Yes, we lost one of the greatest MC's in rap history and no I'm not just saying this because he died. Anyone who is a hip-hop fan/head should have Big L in their Top 10 Best Rappers. His true lyricism made many rappers elevate their in order to b...

Meek Mill VS Cassidy (Disappointment)

Meek Mill VS Cassidy   After all the hype between Meek Mill and Cassidy, we finally got what we all wanted. After Cassidy constant mentions about Meek and his the release of his first diss to Meek Mill "Diary Of A Hustler," Cassidy released another diss towards the Philly rapper titled "Me Myself & IPhone" after the exchange of tweets between the two rappers. We was all wondering if Meek would respond after the two disses, twitter argument, and the release of Cassidy's new song "Condom Style." Well he finally does with Repo. I have to say that this is by far the biggest disappointment that hip-hop has had since this year's Pusha-T VS Lil Wayne. These are two hard core raw MCs and this is apparently the best that they can come up with. SMH! Cassidy is one reason that I use to love watching freestyles and "Diary Of A Hustler" was absolute trash. Although Meek's diss was better in my eyes I think that he could've done a muc...

DJango Unchained Soundtrack

DJango Unchained     With the new Quentin Tarantino movie Django Unchained releasing on Christmas Day, I wasn't sure on how it would do. DJango was a hit selling out almost everywhere, and although I have yet to seen the movie, I am anxious to see DJango Unchained . Tarantino is known for his great action controversial movies, but there's nothing like DJango. Starring Oscar winning Actor, Jamie Foxx as DJango the controversial movie has brought amazing hype and Tarantino himself said that everyone should see DJango Unchained . The soundtrack features all type of genres including Rick Ross's "100 Black Coffins," which Foxx said was directly made for the movie. The song is also a part of Ross's Grammy Nominated album God Forgives, I Don't. Yes, this is another major move for Ricky Rozay. If the movie is as good as everyone has said I will make sure that I will let you know, but for now check out a few of the songs featured on the soundtrack, inc...

Happy Holidays - Mixtapes

Released During The Holidays   Along with the release of "Folarin" and "3 Piece Set", producer Mike Will and rapper Freeway also released new mixtapes yesterday. There's not much too say about this but Wale did his thang on "Folarin." As for these mixtapes good job to them. Check Them Out!! Mike Will Freeway Soulja Boy

Wale New Mixtape - Folarin

New Mixtape   Wale drops off his new Mixtape "Folarin" while we wait on his third Upcoming solo LP. After having a very successful year, Wale says that he is going for a different sound on his upcoming LP. Although I haven't listened to this whole mixtape yet, I am sure that "Folarin" will deliver. I guess this is Wale's special Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all of his fans. Check it out for yourself!!       The Blessings Wale drops visuals for one of the tracks he already leaked off his "Folarin" mixtape. Here is the track list for "Folarin"  

Curren$y Drops Off A couple of Songs for the Holidays

Curren$y EP   There's nothing really to write about because it's only 3 songs, but I guess thanks Curren$y for the new tracks rights before the holidays. Check them Out!!   3 Piece Set/ A Close Session

Christmas Gifts For Her

What To and What Not To Get Her Jewelry Jewelry is always a WIN when trying to figure out what to get that special someone a gift. A pair of earrings, a bracelet, a ring or necklace is always a way to a girl's heart. Although Jewelry is not that heart felt we happen to LOVE it so you can't go wrong. Unless that girl was expecting a proposal and you happen to get her a necklace or something and if that's the case, yeah you messed up. When buying jewelry keep  in mind that diamonds are not the only gem out there but make sure you don't get her anything that's too cheap because it will turn brown and that's never good. Underwear Yes we all could use more underwear and I know some of you guys think that sexy underwear is a perfect Christmas gift, but it's not. They're certain holidays and maybe even her birthday where underwear maybe a decent gift, but not for Christmas. Christmas is suppose to be thoughtful and sexy underwear is nothing bu...

VACCINES Chemically Opposing Health

Are you under the belief that vaccines are actually disease/virus fighting, or they that they work to increase immunization to such sicknesses ? Well recently vaccines have been labeled a manufactured hoax and " population control " or depopulation, which ever you prefer, there's no difference. Lets take a moment to examine exactly what is standard to be located inside of a vaccine.     ā€¢ Aluminum - A light metal that causes dementia and Alzheimer's disease. You should never inject yourself with aluminum. Aluminum is also present inside of many household items such a aluminum foil, and deodorant. ā€¢ Antibiotics - Chemicals that promote superbugs, which are deadly antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria that are killing tens of thousands of Americans every year. ā€¢ Formaldehyde - A chemical used to preserve cadavers. It's highly toxic to the nervous system, causing blindness, brain damage and seizures. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services open...

Young $crilla - New ATL Artist

New ATL Artist   Many of you were starting to wonder, "when are we going to hear something different?" Well here I was checking out just looking through in search of something new and different, and stumble upon a NEW ATL Artist by the name of Young $crilla. I know what am I doing listening to ATL artist lol, because I am usually not interested in Atlanta artist unless I am about to go to a party. However since this EP was on the indy and knowing that usually those mixtapes are pretty good, I decided to take a listen. My verdict is that the EP is pretty good, having good beats, a different flow, and solid lyrics we are sure to see more from this Upcoming MC. Now Check Out the EP for yourself and tell me what you think! Freshman Problems

Old school Drake.

To me, Drake is/will be one of the greatest rap artists of all time. We've already established that there's as much proof of a bad Drake verse as there is of dinosaurs. However, another thing that makes him so great is the fact that he has maintained his skills over a lengthy period of time. I've been listening to Drake since "Room for Improvement" and I must say, although I liked him more back then, that he still has it. Despite what I thought at first, he didn't turn into hot garbage upon getting signed. I commend that. Drake still has those bars that he had back in his "Comeback Season" days.  Drake - "One More Time" "I used to cut the porch lights on/ but now I cut the Porsche lights on/ just to lettem know their foresight's wrong." My favorite part of the song (besides the last verse). You can hear Jay-Z's influence all over this track (If you're a true fan). Nonetheless, Drake still made a dope son...

Winners of 2012

Who Won In 2012   This post is called winners of 2012 because these are the people who shined in 2012. These people careers went to the next level because they had a successful year due to album sales, publicity, heroic behavior etc... Check it OUT!!   1. Frank Ocean   Talk about a big year, well Frank Ocean definitely has had one in 2012. Frank Ocean made an shocking announcement with a letter, that he was bi-sexual one week before the debut of his album Channel Orange . Unsure of how the public would react to this Frank's news flooded Twitter and the rest of the media, but of course his album sold out the next week. Strategy? I have no idea, but if it was a strategy it definitely worked. Leading with the hit single "Thinkin Bout You," Channel Orange was a huge success. Frank Ocean is the biggest winner of 2012 with 6 Grammy nominations and a gold album with Channel Orange . Yes I said 6 Grammy nominations. 2. Janelle Mo...

#ThrowbackThursday Juelz Santana Rap City Freestyle

#ThrowbackThursday Juelz Santana I picked this week Throwback Thursday to be Juelz Santana, not because he has something about to drop but simply because I liked this Freestyle. Santana (former dipset member) always had witty, clever, and playful hot bars when it came to rapping. Since we haven't heard from Santana since 2008 when he dropped The Takeover with Skull Gang, I thought it would be nice to finally see something from the MC, even if it's old. Although it has been rumored that he will drop something new in the Upcoming year there is no way to be certain, unless he say so. Well here are a couple of hot bars from Santana, Check it Out!!! Rap City Freestyle

Modern Day Mayan Elders Say Dec 21, 2012 Isnt DoomDay, Its The Start Of Earths Transformation To Unity

Recent NASA has been reporting that around the nation children are terrified and having been recently conteplating suicide in large numbers. While instatutionalized adults ignore any involvement in the course of universe. Through pessemistic perceptions Western; America,Canada. The galactic alignment will continue to be existent to the subconcious mind and non existent to the conciousness. The point of my reporting this information to you today is let a smooth weight off your shoulders if you were on of the people that developed anxiety from believing th world will end on Dec 21 2012 . Really that makes the end of a 26,000 year period  now were entering the Age of Aquarious, which will be the birth of unity conciousness . Yes our DNA is set to change, when we change our DNA the society will change with it. The government is currently trying to adapt and prevent information from freeing you from your mental slavery. Heres a small summarized video about the matter which can help m...